
Thursday, 10 May 2018

Effective Technical English

This book was published in 1999 by Scitech Publications. The copyright is with me.

You may find the information below engaging. If you do, please recommend it to a publisher in your area so that students of English may benefit.

Thanks in advance.

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Effective Technical English conforms to the English syllabuses of B.E. students of Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderababd, Andhra Pradesh, India.

This is what Professor Jacob Tharu, former Head, Department of Evaluation, CIEFL, Hyderabad said of the first coursebook:
           This ‘Course-book with a difference’ as the author describes it will
           without doubt be a sound and accessible resource relating to English
           proficiency for engineering students. It presents compactly in one
           book—yet quite comprehensively—the essentials of the English
           language. The author has taken care to cover the main areas
           indicated in the syllabus for B.E. Technical English prescribed by the
           JNTU. At the same time there is extensive matter providing practice
           for the major sections of the TOEFL examinations and typical all India
           competitive examinations. It will thus be useful for the first year students
           with an English requirement and for those in higher classes. Indeed, I
           expect this latter group to make even fuller use of the book than the
           juniors. I have noted over recent years that engineering students who
           see first year ‘compulsory English’ as a chore begin later to appreciate
           the value of effective proficiency in English. In the senior years they
           need to use English—to formulate project proposals, write technical reports,
           make oral presentations, interact with professionals during practical training,
           prepare for job interviews etc. students at this stage of study will surely find
           this new book a handy and dependable companion.

            It is user oriented and user friendly in the best sense...


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