There was this following discussion in EFL group at
Do you think we should tell students to "think in English"? by Theresa Pole Baker Gouveria. She further stated:
Students are often exhorted to "think in English".
I don't think it is necessary to tell them this, because when they build
communicative confidence, they do this naturally. What do you think?
Obviously, this question doesn’t arise in the case
of native children in England since they were fed English while in the womb and
they breathe English at home, in the neighbourhood etc. Nor in the case of
English-speaking persons who settled in the States, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand or other countries.
This question might not arise in the case of
children whose ancestors emigrated speaking a language other than English. They
learn English as another tongue but their mother tongues may not stop them from
thinking in English for they hear it in all the places other than their homes.
So thinking in English is likely to be a natural process.
This question definitely arises in the case of
children who live in their own countries, who have their own languages to
communicate in and who listen to (and speak?) English only in their classrooms.
With one exception: children who learn all subjects in English including
English and who use English for communication in school and even at home
(encouraged by parents).
Teachers (native an locals) may tell and encourage
their non-native learners to think in English. And they may employ strategies
to make this work. But will their efforts bear fruit?
I present below a few thoughts expressed in the
Telling won't help. Only sustained desire to learn
beating the odds, seeking avenues (reading, watching films) to be in as much
touch as possible (and increase its width gradually) with the language because
opportunities are hardly available in the environment, practising it with
friends and relatives (if educated)--listening and speaking can help learners
think in the language they're learning only in the classroom.
Zoe Harwood, Theresa Pole
Baker Gouveia and 1 other like
English Teacher (TEFL)
Telling does help and it works for me
as I am extremely persistent and consistent. It is a slow process because the
students spend little time with me each week. Ideally the student needs to be
engulfed in the English language as much as possible (24 hours a day would be
best) to really begin to consistently think in English. Trying to learn a
language for 2 -4 hours a week is makes it difficult. Here is another topic : I
tell my students to learn English from documentaries and not to try to learn
from regular movies. There are very few regular movies which produce good
English nowadays.
Zoe Harwood, K R
Lakshminarayanan like this
Business Development Manager
I concur with JR. (‘JR’ refers to me)
Zoe Harwood, K R
Lakshminarayanan like this
Co-operative Teacher Mentor/English
Language Educator/Project Teacher
I concur with KR and Kim. I work in
Taiwan and listen to Chinese 90% of my day, teach English in English for 20
hours a week, and think more in Ukrainian (my mother tongue) than in
As an ESL learner, even though I have been speaking English for 50+ years, and teaching English Language, Literature and Composition for more than 30, when I am in a foreign country, surrounded by a foreign environment, I think in Ukrainian a great deal of the time. I don't try, it just happens.
When students in their own country, spend maybe, 4 hours a week learning English and then are surrounded by their mother tongue for the rest of the time, thinking in English is beastly difficult, although they will try. They will succeed now and again. But to expect them to think in English is an unrealistic request. And I think, it is unkind. The persistent expectation that this will improve their English language skills puts a great deal of stress on an already stressful endeavor.
Ukrainian is my 1st language and the language of my heart, my cultural core, my beliefs and my values. Telling me to think in English, no matter how persistent you are, doesn't work, so I sure the heck don't, and never will, tell my students that it is something that they have to do in order to improve their English language skills.
As an ESL learner, even though I have been speaking English for 50+ years, and teaching English Language, Literature and Composition for more than 30, when I am in a foreign country, surrounded by a foreign environment, I think in Ukrainian a great deal of the time. I don't try, it just happens.
When students in their own country, spend maybe, 4 hours a week learning English and then are surrounded by their mother tongue for the rest of the time, thinking in English is beastly difficult, although they will try. They will succeed now and again. But to expect them to think in English is an unrealistic request. And I think, it is unkind. The persistent expectation that this will improve their English language skills puts a great deal of stress on an already stressful endeavor.
Ukrainian is my 1st language and the language of my heart, my cultural core, my beliefs and my values. Telling me to think in English, no matter how persistent you are, doesn't work, so I sure the heck don't, and never will, tell my students that it is something that they have to do in order to improve their English language skills.
Theresa Pole
Baker Gouveia, K R Lakshminarayanan and 1 other like
Experienced English teacher
(individuals and groups), owner at CHATTERBOX
I concur with KR too. Their exposure
to the English language and their involvement will lead to more natural
constructions which is often not the case when translating literally. In order
to have natural flow and use the right idiom you must listen a lot, read a lot
and speak as much as possible. After a period of intensive accumulation you
reach a stage at which you juggle with words and do not constantly translate
what you want to say. I am three-lingual but I hardly ever use my mother
tongue, not even in my dreams. It is true that I do not live in my home land,
but you would expect that I resort to my native tongue when I am emotional but
I do not do that either. I would like to emphasize that it does not help to
tell them that they should think in English but help them reach the stage at
which they can play with different entities and spontaneously produce the
language that is natural and authentic.
Zoe Harwood, Theresa Pole
Baker Gouveia and 1 other like
a non-native learner and teacher, and I taught in non-native environments for
43 years. I used the mother tongue or the regional language liberally to help
learners see how differently their languages and English structure thoughts.
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