
Monday, 29 June 2015

a dream come true

1. Introduction to the Series
2. blessings from member friends
3. classification discussion topics by themes
4. Series topics 

This post and the others (32 of them) that follow are the result of my dream coming true. I'm grateful to members of the four communities at LinkedIn for making this possible.

 You will read here the common introduction and complete topic list containing all the threads you'll find in the following posts.

Introduction to the Series
I’ve been a member of ELT Professionals Around The World, Professional English Teachers Network, ELT Resources in Linkedin. I was a member of EFL community, too.

I’ve had the good fortune of meeting hundreds of minds in these communities and of being part of hundreds of threads where I’ve received more than I’ve given. Several members responded frequently and several, occasionally. The topics they proposed for discussion were great, and their contributions, greater. The experiences of the members speak volumespassion, patience, commitment, intensity, understanding, novelty, in-depth analysis, contrasting styles, provoking thoughts, kindness, tips, suggestions, and to top it all, plenty of relevant reference materials—books, videos and websites. Their contributions are  informative, educative, enlightening and entertaining.

Less than a year ago, I’d started a blog: where I share my thoughts related to ELT. On average, 200 from different parts of the world visit my blog every month. I thought that they could learn a thing or two, a trick or two, a technique or two, a strategy or two and benefit from my vastly experienced partners-in-discussions if I presented to them their collective effort.  

In a thread started by Ferd Roseboom, I’d said: I'd like to put together thoughts of everyone on discussions that have attracted huge number of responses/comments but I'm so busy with these 'discussions' and other activities in other spheres that I may not be able to do the compilation any time too soon. But I've promised to myself I'd do this sooner or later, at least one or two of them. Which Rod Mitchell had described as “That would be two full-time jobs and a half.”

Nearly two months ago I decided to take up this project. I’d already copied down several threads from the four communities. The next step was to get consent from the members. The only means for me to contact them is through LinkedIn. I could reach several through ‘send message’ facility, and received their nods because they remembered me well enough. To reach several others, I had to first invite them via inmail to join my network and receiving their acceptance send request messages; only a few responded, but I failed to elicit favourable response to my request messages. In all probability they didn’t know or remember me. With several others, even this facility wasn’t available and I was unable to send inmail direct because I didn’t have LinkedIn Premium. However, in view of the greater good, more than likely to happen, I seek the indulgence of hundreds of members whom I’ve been unable to approach for their consent.

I fervently hope that my co-discussants will understand my eagerness and enthusiasm. Let me reiterate here: I want visitors to my blog to benefit from the useful information, sensible suggestions, awesome ideas, valuable knowledge and wonderful wisdom that I’ve received. Thank you all, friends.

My wish is to present the thoughts I’ve read and enjoyed in the threads in the four communities. I’ve chosen 132 threads with the comments from frequent and occasional contributors. I present, with pride, all of these in a series of Series (32 of them).

P. S.
My blog visitors should also read ‘Active and Passive Voice’ and ‘Adjective Order’, where Rod Mitchell, a well-wisher and good friend of mine, makes some startling and revealing expositions.

K R Lakshminarayanan

This project of mine enjoys the blessings of several members. I present below a few consent letters I’ve received:

mokhtaria lahmer
Good evening, kind, Sir,
I’m honored with your request and I would like to express my enthusiasm for such a step. I wish you the best of luck.

Sunita Sethi
Hello KRL
Thanks for your message.

Rod Mitchell has rightly described the efforts that will be put in towards 
what you want to achieve. I commend you for this. Sure, please go ahead and 
include any contribution I have made towards any discussion, however few 
they may be.

Good luck on your venture which many will benefit from. God bless!

Sunita (without an h) :)))

David Tremayne-Smith
With pleasure, Sir.
Good luck with your venture.

Judy Thomson
I think this is a great idea. You have my consent to use my comments in context.
Best of luck

David Deubelbeiss wrote:        
Hi K.R.
Thanks for your patience and the reminder. I've got a lot of projects on the go at the moment.

Of course, happy to have you use my comments or make the knowledge we all share in the group more accessible and with a wider reach. That's important.

Can you send me a link once you've got things posted or post a discussion on ELT Professionals?

I hope all goes well and you are enjoying a nice summer. I know its rainy season for you but I'm sure that has its pleasures too.


Good Morning
I have looked through your message and I see no harm in you using discussions on your blogpost. I would quite happily update you with any other discussions you might like to post.

Also, it will generate new visitors to the ELT Resources page.

If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will answer any questions you may have.

Kind Regards
Nick Edwards @ BEBC

Alicia Kern wrote:       
Hello Professor,
Thanks for making contact and for asking to publish my responses on your blog.
Naturally I'm more than happy for you to include my responses in your compilation ...

Malika khalifa wrote:  
Yes please KR go ahead.
Best wishes ,

Mary Shay wrote:        
Hello KR
Delighted to help out and thank you for asking.
Good luck with your work and let me know how it goes.


3. Classification of discussion topics by themes

To make locating the topics easy for visitors, the 132 topics you’ll find in the 32 Series are thematically arranged as:
I. General
A. The English Language
B. Teacher, methods and duties
C. English in non-native countries
D. Issues related to classroom activity
E. Learning
F. Teaching

II Pronunciation

III Listening

IV Speaking

V Writing

VI vocabulary

VII Sentence grammar and structure

I. General
A. The English Language
Topic 1—Series 1
English with its very big linguistic tool kit affect our thinking processes?
Topic 3—Series 1
sources outside the linguistic system of English (contextual factors) affect its 
Topic 18—Series 1
ownership of the English language        
Topic 60—Series 23
How global is the English language?
Topic 66—Series 25
English needs more letters

B. Teacher, methods and duties
Topic 13—Series 1
tell students to "think in English                     
Topic 42—Series 5
Challenges faced by English language teachers
Topic 9—Series 1
What is an EFL teacher's worst enemy?       
Topic 10—Series 1
What type of teacher are you?            
Topic 27—Series 2
qualities of a great teacher   
Topic 65—Series 25
I love my job, do you?
Topic 12—Series 1
What would you have liked to be if not teacher
Topic 62—Series 25
Worst practices?
Topic 70—Series 25
Announcement from ELT Professionals Around The World
Topic 74—Series 25
Mystery Quiz
Topic 82—Series 25
In the world of ELT, what distinguishes experts from novices?
Topic 85—Series 25
New wave vs old wave
Topic 92—Series 25
What constitutes indoctrination in the context of language teaching? How can it be

C. English in non-native countries
Topic 20—Series 2
difference between ESL and EFL
Topic 43—Series 6
learning English as a second language different? 
Topic 21—Series 2
suggest novels for students below upper intermediate. 

D. Issues related to classroom activity
Topic 4—Series 1
lesson planning   
Topic 112—Series 32
I've been working on creating lessons to improve teaching the writing process using Unusual Animals
Topic 6—Series 1
ok for an EFL teacher to hate teaching a particular grammatical structure?
Topic 115—Series 32
Should/Can students evaluate their teachers?

E. Learning
Topic 131—Series 32
15 Things to STOP Doing When Learning English!
Topic 93—Series 26
What invaluable lessons have you learned from your students?
Topic 99—Series 31
Topic 86—Series 25
Should students compete or cooperate?
Topic 73—Series 25
In other words, how did you learn English?
F. Teaching
Topic 14—Series 1
take a different approach to teaching grammar?  
Topic 45—Series 8
grammar over vocabulary acquisition? 
topic 48—Series 11
which one should come first, Vocabulary or Grammar? 
Topic 101—Series 31
Any excellent english (UK) grammar reference books recommended for self learning
Topic 114—Series 32
Is it possible to learn a language without studying grammar?
Topic 124—Series 32
If you could change one thing about teaching what would it be?
Topic 113—Series 32
How can you deal with the use of mother tongue in an English Class?
Topic 116—Series 32
Using a textbook may give a backbone to a course but working with it cannot be the only thing we do. 
Topic 87—Series 25
Teachers' Thread
Topic 81—Series 25
A needs analysis - how do you do this?
Topic 54—Series 17
teacher’s responsibility towards motivating students
Topic 57—Series 20
Mixed Ability classes!!!!
Topic 77—Series 25
BTW is the 'native speaker' tag still relevant?
Topic 67—Series 25
Importance of body language
Topic 31—Series 2
Teaching One-to-One topic

II Pronunciation
Topic 44—Series 7
Pronunciation neglected in ESL  

III Listening
Topic 89—Series 25
Key Aspects of A Listening Lesson
Topic 129—Series 32
What kinds of techniques really help learners to get better at listening?

IV Speaking
topic 55—Series 18
get students to speak more in open class 
Topic 103—Series 31
There are some students who are afraid to talk in straight English in front of their classmates. What can be done to lessen their public speaking anxiety?
Topic 59—Series 22
Best way of improving speaking
Topic 61—Series 24
Testing interpersonal skills
Topic 98—Series 31
Any ideas or tips on how to run one to one conversation classes?
Topic 117—Series 32
What makes a successful speaker in English?
Topic 123—Series 32
What body language signs should you be aware of in class?
Topic 125—Series 32
a student asked: I want to speak English as fluently as native speakers do. Can you me? What is the best answer to give?
Topic 77—Series 25
BTW is the 'native speaker' tag still relevant?

V Writing
Topic 64—Series 25
Methods to improve writing
Topic 72—Series 25
Error Correction: Does it help?
Topic 97—Series 30
Essay Writing: Where is the flare????
Topic 104—Series 31
What is your best advice for people trying to improve their writing style?
Topic 105—Series 31
suggest me how to write a recommendation letter in order to pursue my Masters at abroad.

VI vocabulary
Topic 11—Series 1
What metaphors or similies do you like to teach in class?
Topic 16—Series 1
difference between "error" and "mistake"  
Topic 17—Series 1
Due to or owing to           
Topic 29—Series 2
Topic 30—Series 2
words as both count and noncount nouns
Topic 34—Series 2
Is there any difference between "fill in " and "fill out" 
Topic 35—Series 2
A famous person need not be popular, need they be? 
Topic 38—Series 2
Collective nouns - a gaggle of geese, a flock of sheep... let's go! 
Topic 52—Series 15
‘horse around’
Topic 56—Series 19
can synonyms be substituted for each other?
Topic 71—Series 25
As a result, consequently, and Hence: meaning difference if any
Topic 78—Series 25
Words with a story
 Topic 100—Series 31
Pick up or fetch
Topic 120—Series 32
when to use these: 'since', 'for', 'as' and 'because'?
Topic 121—Series 32
what is difference between home and house?
Topic 126—Series 32
What to do if you do not know the meaning of a word in class?
Topic 128—Series 32
What is the best way to teach vocabulary?

VII Sentence grammar and structure
Topic 2—Series 1
Correct students without correcting them
Topic 7—Series 1
question tags                                           
Topic 8—Series 1
difference between past continuous and past tense
Topic 15—Series 1
Grammar: out with the old and in with the new
Topic 19—Series 1
Topic 22—Series 2
the difference between ‘tell me’ and ‘you tell me’       
Topic 23—Series 2
answer to What are your parents hoping you to do for them? 
Topic 24—Series 2
I am a vegetarian versus I am vegetarian.  
Topic 25—Series 2
mistakes among EFL students    
Topic 26—Series 2
could anybody tell me the meaning of these sentence  topic 26
Topic 28—Series 2
telling time
Topic 32—Series 2
Possessive ‘s
Topic 33—Series 2
Grammar question
Topic 36—Series 2
Topic 37—Series 2
1)Between you and I ? or Between you and me? `
Topic 39—Series 2
Are the limits of English grammar known? 
Topic 39A—Series 2
I live in/on ... 
Topic 40—Series 3
Phrasal verbs
Topic 41—Series 4
a rule for when to use [verb] + [inf.] vs [verb] + [pres. part.] topic 41
Topic 46—Series 9
death of the past participle  
Topic 47—Series 10
possessive with non-living objects - e.g., 'table's legs' 
Topic 49—Series 12
There ----a book , a pen and a rubber on the desk ? a. is  b. are  
Topic 50—Series 13
Difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous
Topic 51—Series 14
When to use ‘ing’ to ‘to infinitive’ as second verb
Topic 53—Series 16
When time is it?  
Topic 69—Series 25
Can’t a verb be used in the plural after the interrogative ‘who’?
Note: see topic 110.
Topic 110—Series 31
Who is/ Who are
Topic 118—Series 32
Can’t a verb be used in the plural after the interrogative ‘who’?
Topic 75—Series 25
is this sentence correct? The team whom Mrs perea guided performed well at the debate.
Topic 76—Series 25
Pair Work: Advantages, Disadvantages, and When Appropriates.
Topic 79—Series 25
use of 'will' in first person interrogatives
Topic 80—Series 25
Can ‘no’, ‘correct’ or ‘right’ be used in place of question tags?
Topic 119—Series 32
Can ‘no’, ‘correct’ or ‘right’ be used in place of question tags?
Topic 84—Series 25
How good is your grammar? Quiz
Topic 88—Series 25
If there are rules in English grammar then why exceptions?
Topic 90—Series 25
Usage in structuring
Topic 94—Series 27
Lack of an important wh question in English
Topic 95—Series 28
What common "mistakes" do native speakers make?
Topic 96—Series 29
I wonder why so many teachers use "English teacher" instead of "teacher of English" or "English language teacher" when talking about their profession. They confuse profession with nationality.
Topic 102—Series 31
Ha, ha,,he poor old apostrophe seems to be suffering yet again...
Topic 106—Series 31
I Wish I Had Known
Topic 107—Series 31
The use of 'can' and 'may'
Topic 108—Series 31
Slip of My Tongue
Topic 109—Series 31
prepositions. in, on, at, to, of, and for. How do you make the learners understand their usage?
Topic 111—Series 31
Sentence ambiguity
Topic 122—Series 32
6 ways to use the verb 'GO' in English
Topic 130—Series 32
What is the most difficult part of English grammar?
Topics 132—Series 32
'Why was the poor man felt sad ? --'Why was the conductor refuse the to take the frog on a ride/" Are there any rules for this kind of auxiliary error ?


4. Series topics
Series 1 and 2—EFL English as a Foreign Language
Series 3 and 28—ELT Professionals Around The World
Series 29 and 31—Professional Teachers Network
Series 32—ELT Resources

Series 1
Topic 1
How can English with its very big linguistic tool kit affect our thinking processes?

Topic 2
How do you CORRECT" students without correcting them?

Topic 3
How sources outside the linguistic system of English (contextual factors) affect its 
Asgar Mahmoudi

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 6
Is it ok for an EFL teacher to hate teaching a particular grammatical structure?

Topic 7
Is it really true that question tags cannot be formed using demonstratives as in AREN'T THERE? or ISN'T THERE?

Topic 8
She 1) Was walking 2) walked in the rain the whole morning. Which is correct?

Topic 9
What is an EFL teacher's worst enemy?

Topic 10
What metaphors or similies do you like to teach in class?

Topic 11
What type of teacher are you?

Topic 12
What would you have liked to be if not teacher

Topic 13
Do you think we should tell students to "think in English"?

Topic 14
What is the best ways to teach English as foreign language?

Topic 15
GRAMMAR: Out with the old and in with the new! Should we take a different approach to teaching grammar?

Topic 16
Is there any difference between "error" and "mistake"? Waiting for your opinions.

Topic 17
Due to or owing to

Topic 18
Below you’ll find responses to a discussion topic on the ownership of the English language

Topic 19

Series 2
Topic 20
What is the difference between English as a second language and English as a foriegn language?

Topic 21
There was a request to suggest novels for students below upper intermediate.

Topic 22
Whats the difference?

Topic 23
Little confused with this question-"What are your parents hoping you to do for them?" How this question can be answered?

Topic 24
I am a vegetarian versus I am vegetarian.

Topic 25
mistakes among EFL students

Topic 27
In your opinion, what are the top qualities/skills a teacher must have to become a GREAT teacher?

Topic 28
Telling Time

Topic 29

Topic 30
words as both count and noncount nouns

Topic 31
Teaching One-to-One (feedback requested please)

Topic 32
Possessive ‘s (Again!)

Topic 33
Grammar question

Topic 34
Is there any difference between "fill in " and "fill out" ?

Topic 35
A famous person need not be popular, need they be?

Topic 36

Topic 37
1)Between you and I ? or Between you and me? 2) Amanda, Marty, and I or Amanda, Marty and me ? Which is correct?

Topic 38
Collective nouns - a gaggle of geese, a flock of sheep... let's go!

Topic 39
Are the limits of English grammar known?

Topic 39A
I live in/on ...

Series 3
Topic 40
Learning phrasal verbs are difficult for learners of English. Are there any effective ways for them to teach except for memorization?

Series 4
Topic 41
Anyone come across a rule for when to use [verb] + [inf.] vs [verb] + [pres. part.] ?

Series 5
Topic 42
Challenges faced by English language teachers

Series 6
Topic 43
Do students learning English as a second language learn differently from those who are native speakers?
Series 7
Topic 44
Good pronunciation skills ( producing intelligible language ) is key to every ESL student’s ability to communicate in English. So, why is it a neglected area in the ESL classroom ?

Series 8
Topic 45
Grammar takes precedence, since it is the foundation to which vocabulary acquisition gradually adds.

Series 9
Topic 46
The death of the past participle

Series 10
Topic 47
Can we use a possessive with non-living objects - e.g., 'table's legs'? 

Series 11
Topic 48
In teaching English, which one should come first, Vocabulary or Grammar?

Series 12
Topic 49
Which is correct ? There IS a book , a pen and a rubber on the desk ? or There ARE a book , a pen and a rubber on the desk ?

Series 13
Topic 50
What is the best WAY to EXPLAIN the difference between "present perfect" and "present perfect progressive"? I mean what procedure do you follow, because my students always get confused.

Series 14
Topic 51
When do we use the second verb as ‘-ing’ and ‘to-infinitive’?

Series 15
Topic 52
Horse around

Series 16
Topic 53
When time is it???
Why do we say; "what time is it?" Shouldn't correct grammar be "when time is it?"

Series 17
Topic 54
To what extent do you as an ELT teacher consider it your responsibility to address student motivation when teaching English?

Series 18
Topic 55
I am looking for ideas to make students speak more in open class. My students speak in pair and group work but calm up when I pose a question to the class. Grateful for all ideas here. 

Series 19
Topic 56
can synonyms be substituted for each other?

Series 20
Topic 57
Mixed Ability classes!!!!

Series 21
Topic 58
What should I do the first day of classes? Neither the students nor I will have books or the class objectives/curriculum by then. What do I talk about or do? 

Series 22
Topic 59
When your students ask you, what is the best way of improving speaking? What are your suggestions? Let me know...
Talking fluently.

Series 23
Topic 60
How 'global' is English language?

Series 24 
Topic 61
how would you test interpersonal skills?
Series 25
Topic 62
Worst practices?

Topic 63
What should I do the first day of classes? Neither the students nor I will have books or the class objectives/curriculum by then. What do I talk about or do?

Topic 64
Could you please tell me about the useful methods of improving students' writing? How it could be facilitated?

Topic 65
I love my job! Do you?

Topic 66
Does the English language need more letters?

Topic 67
Do you think body language is important for learning English?

Topic 68
Do students learning English as a second language learn differently from those who are native speakers?

Topic 69
Can’t a verb be used in the plural after the interrogative ‘who’?
Note: see topic 110.

Topic 70
Announcement from ELT Professionals Around The World

Topic 71
As a result, consequently, and Hence;The meanings of these linkers seem to be same. Can they be substitute each other at upper-int. level? I would like to see your responses? Because....

Topic 72
Error Correction: Does it help?

Topic 73
In other words, how did you learn English? Was there one thing that helped you more than the others? Talking to natives? Watching movies or series? Reading? A teacher? A method?

Topic 74
Mystery Quiz

Topic 75
is this sentence correct? The team whom Mrs perea guided performed well at the debate.

Topic 76
Pair Work: Advantages, Disadvantages, and When Appropriates.

Topic 77
BTW is the 'native speaker' tag still relevant?

Topic 78
Words with a story

Topic 79
use of 'will' in first person interrogatives

Topic 80
Can ‘no’, ‘correct’ or ‘right’ be used in place of question tags?

Topic 81
A needs analysis - how do you do this?

Topic 82
In the world of ELT, what distinguishes experts from novices?

Topic 83
I am looking for ideas to make students speak more in open class. My students speak in pair and group work but calm up when I pose a question to the class. Grateful for all ideas here.

Topic 84
How good is your grammar? Quiz

Topic 85
I thought I'd share this article here as it's got some interesting comments for you to add to - 'new wave' versus 'old wave' - education - philosophical and psycholgical perspectives:))

Topic 86
Some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that they should be taught to cooperate with others. What is your opinion?

Topic 87
Teachers' Thread

Topic 88
If there are rules in English grammar then why exceptions?

Topic 89
Key Aspects Of A Listening Lesson

Topic 90
Usage in structuring Here are some sentences I’ve copied from novels; I believe they are American rather than British.

Topic 91
I stumbled upon this: use a or an in front of a countable noun. Use any in questions. So how come it is better to say: "Is there a dog in the garden?"?

Topic 92
Anes Abdelrahim Mohamed Lecturer at Kansai Gaidai University
What constitutes indoctrination in the context of language teaching? How can it be

Series Twenty-Six
Topic 93
Anes Abdelrahim Mohamed Lecturer at Kansai Gaidai University
What invaluable lessons have you learned from your students?

Series Twenty-seven
Topic 94
Lack of an important wh question in English
Naghizade Mohammad

Series Twenty-Eight
Topic 95
What common "mistakes" do native speakers make?
David Dubelbeiss

Series Twenty-nine
Topic 96
I wonder why so many teachers use "English teacher" instead of "teacher of English" or "English language teacher" when talking about their profession. They confuse profession with nationality.

Series Thirty
Topic 97
James Donahue Educator
Essay Writing: Where is the flare????

Series Thirty-One
Topic 98
Said Ibrahim English Instructor at Saudi Electricity Company
Hello guys, Hope you are doing great! Any ideas or tips on how to run one to one conversation classes?

Topic 99

Topic 100
Pick up or fetch

Topic 101
Hi all, Any excellent english (UK) grammar reference books recommended for self learning in order to achieve proficient level from only fluent? Thanks! :)

Topic 102
Ha, ha,,he poor old apostrophe seems to be suffering yet again...

Topic 103
There are some students who are afraid to talk in straight English in front of their classmates. What can be done to lessen their public speaking anxiety?

Topic 104
What is your best advice for people trying to improve their writing style?

Topic 105
Hi All, Can anyone suggest me how to write a recommendation letter in order to pursue my Masters at abroad.

Topic 106
I Wish I Had Known

Topic 107
The use of 'can' and 'may'

Topic 108
Slip of My Tongue

Topic 109
Let us look at the simple prepositions. in, on, at, to, of, and for. Is there any textt hat defines their usage. How do you make the learners understand their usage?

Topic 110
Who is/ Who are
Note: please see topic 69.

Topic 111
Could anyone explain why these sentences are ambiguous, please?

Series Thirty-two
Topic 112
I'm really interested in making resources. I've been working on creating lessons to improve teaching the writing process using Unusual Animals. Lesson Plan included. Let me know what you think?

Topic 113
How can you deal with the use of mother tongue in an English Class?

Topic 114
Is it possible to learn a language without studying grammar?

Topic 115
Should/Can students evaluate their teachers?

Using a textbook may give a backbone to a course but working with it cannot be the only thing we do. Manager's Choice

Topic 117
What makes a successful speaker in English?

Topic 118
Can’t a verb be used in the plural after the interrogative ‘who’?

Note: please also see topics 69 and 110.

Topic 119
Can ‘no’, ‘correct’ or ‘right’ be used in place of question tags?

Note: please also see topic 80.

Topic 120
when to use these:'since', 'for', 'as' and 'because'?

Topic 121
what is difference between home and house?

Topic 122
6 ways to use the verb 'GO' in English: via YouTube

Topic 123
What body language signs should you be aware of in class?

Topic 124
If you could change one thing about teaching what would it be?

Topic 125
help One
student asked: I want to speak English as fluently as native speakers do. Can you me? What is the best answer to give?

Topic 126
What to do if you do not know the meaning of a word in class?

Topic 127
Using a textbook may give a backbone to a course but working with it cannot be the only thing we do. 

Topic 128
What is the best way to teach vocabulary?

Topic 129
What kinds of techniques really help learners to get better at listening?

Topic 130
What is the most difficult part of English grammar? Please take a minute and explain what you find most difficult about the English language.

Topic 131
15 Things to STOP Doing When Learning English! (Very Important!)

Topics 132
'Why was the poor man felt sad ? --'Why was the conductor refuse the to take the frog on a ride/" Are there any rules for this kind of auxiliary error ?

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