
Saturday, 30 August 2014

Job Application letters

Job Application Letters

I begin with a note. What you’ll read in the following pages is prepared bearing in mind the job market in India. But they can be modified to suit local conditions of those who wish to write job application letters.

Government departments [Union and State Public Service Commissions], banks, the railways, the army, the navy, the air force, the Ministries and others like Neyveli Lignite Corporation need qualified people as employees. Private firms, companies, organisations also need qualified people as employees. The first group of employers use printed application forms in specific formats to gather information about applicants. The second group of employers expect interested candidates to provide information in a format known as ‘biodata’, or ‘resume’ or ‘curriculum vitae’ [more popularly known as ‘CV’] and to attach this to a ‘cover letter’.

Before we proceed further, it’s good to know something about the three expressions you find in the last sentence of the previous paragraph:

biodata                 = biographical details
                                 [=facts and statistics about yourself]
resume                 = a short account/ a summary [of yourself]
                                 The ‘e’ is pronounced as the ‘e’ in ‘get’’; the ‘s’ 
                                  is pronounced as ‘z’ and the last ‘e’ as the ‘a’ in
curriculum vitae  = a brief account of one’s education, qualifications,
                                  and previous/present occupations
                                  the ‘i’ in ‘vitae’ is pronounced as ‘ee’ in ‘feel’
                                  the ‘ae’ is pronounced as the ‘i’ in ‘high’

1. details to be mentioned in a job application

It will be to your advantage to start a record file on yourself. You can file here all your certificates [birth, tenth, +2, degree, PG, etc.], attested xeroxes [photocopies] of these certificates in sufficient number [so that you don’t have to run around in the last minute], employment history with experience certificates, promotion letters, service recognition details, testimonials, referee details, cocurricular and extracurricular activities details, and so on. You can keep updating the information so that you don’t waste time searching for them only when you want them.

You will need to have as complete information as possible on these 24 items :

       personal                                                     job career
    1. name in full                                  18. experience
    2. father’s name                               19. skills: professional, personal
    3. date of birth, age                          20. job-related activities
    4. height, weight,                             21. present salary and scale
        eye sight [lens power]                
    5. chest                                                          other information     
        normal and on expansion             22. permanent address
    6. caste                                             23. address for communication
    7. driving license particulars           24. referees [three names, addresses]          
    8. passport number                                             
        place of issue,
        issuing authority                                                 
        issue date
    9. marital status
  10. languages
  11. interests

  12. education [tenth onward]
  13. cocurricular
  14. extracurricular
         social service etc.        ]
  15. achievements/awards
  16. project work     
  17. publications

Depending on the advert, you can use this selectively in your CV.

notes on details:
1. name
    All application forms, for a job in India or overseas, will expect you to fill in your
    name in the following manner:

                  1                                               2                                               3

Christian name ………….
First name   ……………..
Forename    …………….
Given name ……………

Middle name ……………..
Surname     ………………
Family name …………….
Last name      …………….

                 ¯                                             ¯                                               ¯       

All the four expressions in 1 refer to the name given to you during the naming ceremony.
Only some of us may have a middle name. It may be in the form of an initial before
your name.
All the three expressions in 3 refer to the name shared by all the members of your family. This can also be in the form of an initial before your name.

Don’t get confused by the expressions in 1, 2 and 3. That is, don’t worry about what your surname is or whether you should fill surname in 3 and so on. Just fill your name in the spaces for 1-2-3 as you find it in official records like your tenth or twelfth class certificate. Let’s look at some examples:

in official records
           fill   1-2-3
   like the way  you                                          

see below:            

L. Balaji
R. Sujatha
Sachin Tendulkar
Sandhya A. Uddanti
Avneet K. Sidhu
Shahnaz Hussain
Rakesh K. Mittal
T. Murugavel
Shakeel Anjum Bhartiya
T.P. Muthukumaran
V.V. Laxman
V. Anand

    Ranga Rao



    While filling the name, remember to expand your initials [if you have any] into full
2. Write your father’s name as it is/was written in official records.
3.  age
     Mention only the age you have completed. For instance, if you were born on
     10 January 1986, you’d be 21 only on 10 January 2007. If you’re applying before this
     date, mention only 20 as your age.
4. and 5. may be necessary where physical fitness is a qualification like in the army/
     the navy.
6. caste
     If asked, write BC/MBC/SC/ST/OC. If you belong to any of the first four, attach
     a certificate from appropriate authorities as proof.
7. driving license
    Mention particulars where this is necessary. [Keep your license renewed.]
8. passport
    Provide these particulars where necessary. [You may have to attach xeroxes of relevant pages.]
9. marital status
    Provide information where necessary: single/married/ divorced.
10. languages
      Mention the languages in this format:
       [i] speak, read, write  [ii] speak     [iii] read and/or write
11. a. interests [feeling you have when you want to know or learn more about..]
         Mention the areas you have interest in: photography/gardening/reading etc.
      b. hobbies [activity you do for pleasure when not working]
     For either of them, don’t mention: watching TV    
12. education
      Arrange your education particulars from present to past. Mention only those
      that are relevant to the job you’re applying for in this sequence:
      degree, discipline[major subject], year of passing, performance[if it’s good].
      But if you do wish to mention others, make it clear in your ‘cover letter’ or
      ‘letter of application’ the reasons for their inclusion.
13. co-curricular
      If you were part of any department activity like education tours, seminars,
      conferences, exhibitions, mention the event and your role in it. You can also
      mention here any in-plant training you may have undergone.
14. extra-curricular
      If you participated in any sports event, cultural events, state the event and your
      role in it.
15. achievement/awards  
      Mention, if you have any, distinction in academics, excellent role performance
      in any college activity, any recognition you received from college or an outside
16. project work
      If your degree or diploma course needed you to do a project related to your courses
      mention the title. [Write in brief about this in the cover letter.]
17. publications
      Mention here, if you have any, publications like ‘letters to the editor’, articles of
      general interest, papers published in professional journals, books with ‘title’, name
      of the journal, year of publication.
18. experience  
      If you are fresh from college, you’ll have nothing to say here. But if you’re in job
      write the details here from current job to the previous ones.  Start with duration
      of service, name of the organisation, job[s] you held, major duties you performed. If
      you wish to mention experience not relevant to the job you’re applying for, make
      it clear in your cover letter why you’ve included it here.
19. skills: professional, personal   
      professional: here you mention the skills related to your job. Say, if you are a
                            salesperson, you can mention skills like ‘increased target sales’,
                            ‘achieved customer satisfaction’, ‘anticipated and solved problems
                            in goods distribution’.
      personal      : here you can mention skills you possess as a person and use in your
                            job situations. You may mention skills like ‘ a good listener’, ‘a team
                            player’, ‘ a good organiser’, ‘task completion in good time’.
     Note: You should be able to support the skills you mention here with solid
                instances from your career. Don’t mention skills that you cannot support.
20. job-related activities
      Here you can mention all those activities you planned, organised and executed
      that are intimately related to your responsibilities or activities like seminars,
      brainstorming sessions, in-service training, deputation.
21. present salary and scale  
      Mention the gross salary [without any deductions] you draw and your pay scale
      [something like 12000-250-15000-275-20000]
22. permanent address
      Write here the address where you can be contacted at any time directly or through
      your relatives.
23. address for communication
      Write here the address if this is different from your permanent address. If it isn’t,
      say here ‘as in item 22’.
24. referees
      You’ll mention the names and addresses [with telephone/fax numbers] of persons
      who are not related to you but know you well enough to give a clear picture
      about you, one as a character reference and another as a professional/work
       Note: Before using their names, remember to write to them and get their OK
You may not find all these 24 items in printed application forms, and you may also find  items that are not in this list. However, in most application forms, you’ll find 1,2,3,6,9,
12,18,21,22,23,24. Private sector employers expect you to provide information about yourself in the form of  ‘resume’ or CV.

I’ve provided in the following pages some samples of CVs. Take a good look at them and try to prepare your own CV along those lines.

2 sample CVs with cover letters
Like any other field of activity, applying for a job is no longer based on the traditional presentation of information; it has become a professional activity. For exactly this reason, job seekers approach some agencies or individuals to prepare their job applications letters, and pay for it.

It’s not difficult to prepare your own CV and a cover letter.

1. a traditional CV with a cover letter [without experience]


             Name                          : A. R. Lakshmanan
             Age and Date of birth : 20, 16.04.1986
             Education                    : BA History, first class, 2006,
                                                   University of Madras
             Curricular                    : presented a paper on Thanjavur temple
             Cocurricular                 : organised education tours
             Extracurricular             : member, college volleyball team-2005-2006
             Achievements              : highest collection for  Tsunami Relief Fund
             Interests                       :  tennis, science fiction
             Address                        : 2 Swamy Street
                                                    Chennai 600021
                                                    Phone: 044-25327468

Cover letter
                                                                                                                                                20August 2006
A. R. Lakshmanan
2 Swamy Street
Chennai 600021
The Human Resource Department

Dear Sir
I am applying for the post of Front Office Assistant as advertised in The Indian Express dated today. I am a graduate in history. I have presented a paper. I was a member in the volleyball team. I am enclosing my biodata.

I hope you will consider my application favourably. If selected, I will work to the fullest satisfaction of my superiors.

I thank you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

Enclosure: 1. biodata
                  2. certificates                     

This biodata gives some idea about the applicant. The cover letter is also in the
traditional format. It doesn’t add anything new to the biodata. It only repeats the information given in the biodata. And the last paragraph of the letter is totally out of place.

Don’t prepare your biodata and the cover letter like this traditional one.  

You’ll see in the next few pages samples of how to prepare CVs and cover letters
as an applicant without experience and with experience.  You can prepare yours in a similar manner using information about a particular job. If you want more samples,
you can visit websites which contain a variety of  CV samples and cover letters.

2. a good CV and cover letter [without experience]
    the CV

                                           A. R. Lakshmanan
 born: 16 April 1986
                                                                                                     2 Swamy Street
                                                                                                     Chennai 600021                      
                                                                                                phone 044-25327468

Front Office with a career growth in customer care    

communication    -- my paper on Thanjavur temple was appreciated for its clarity
                                and simplicity of expression and also for the content
working together  -- improved my attitude towards working with people not close
                                 to me
organising             -- learnt that patience is a very important part of behaviour
                                  when dealing with new people.  
languages             -- can speak, read and write Thamizh, Malayalam fluently

June 2006    B A History, I class, University of Madras

Highest individual collection for Tsunami Relief Fund in the college       

the cover letter 
                                                                                                                        2 Swamy Street
                                                                                              K.K Nagar
                                                                                              Chennai 600 021
                                                                                              20 August 2006

Dear Sir
I would like to apply for the position of Front Office Assistant, advertised in today’s Indian Express.

During the three years of my stay in college, I have learnt a lot about moving with superiors, close friends and not so close friends. Living together requires patience and compromise. I have realised the importance of this in being successful.

I am used to receiving and giving messages on behalf of my parents and make telephone calls accordingly. So I can handle this job along with taking care of customers and others who may come to do business.

I enclose my CV and photocopies of certificates. I am prepared to appear for an
interview at any time.

I thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully
A.R. Lakshmanan

enc. as stated

The item ‘objective’ shows that you have a long term plan, not just getting a job. It tells the reader you are not an aimless person, you’re preparing yourself to become ‘somebody’ in a profession of your choice. This is a plus for you. At least you’ll be called for interview where you can probably impress the interviewer[s].

The item ‘qualification’ may be new to you. Here you mention the ‘skills’ you have and will use to perform as a person. This presents to the reader what you can do to help the organisation grow if you are appointed. If called for interview, be ready with concrete instances to support your claims here.

Use the item ‘achievements’ only if you have something special to mention like ‘awards’, ‘honours’ or something that you can be proud of. CVs of 3, 4, 5 do not have ‘achievements’ column.

The cover letter should not merely repeat the information available in the CV.  It should provide a picture of yourself supporting and adding to the CV. The middle paragraphs in the letter picture to the reader how you think about yourself and how well you can do the job.

3. a good CV and cover letter [without experience]
      the CV     
                                             Nikhil Yadav
born: 26 July 1986 

                                                                                     Venkatesh Apartments
                                                                                     193 Trimurti Colony
                                                                                     Nagpur 440 022                              
                                                                                     phone 22367468

Become a GM[finance]     

working together  -- improved my attitude towards working with people not close
                                 to me
organising             -- learnt that patience is a very important part of behaviour
                                 when dealing with numbers and when explaining the meaning
                                 of numbers.

June 2006    B Com, Commerce, I class, University of 
May 2005   Diploma in Tally
June 2006   Diploma in MS-office

the cover letter
                                                                                                                                    Venkatesh Apartments
                                                                                                   193 Trimurti Colony
                                                                                                   Nagpur 440 022                         
                                                                                                   20 August 2006

Dear Sir
I would like to apply for the position of
Accounts Assistant, advertised in yesterday’s Hindustan Times.

As a result of the three years of my stay in college, I have developed a respect for numbers and the messages they convey in terms of deficit, growth and prosperity. Words may lie but numbers don’t. Numbers tell you how important budgeting is.

College life has taught me how to be polite and courteous to superiors. I have also learnt that patience and compromise are essential to realising goals.

I am quite comfortable with the computer. I am quite conversant with Tally and Ms-office. In fact, our College accountant has helped me a lot. With experience and guidance, I will be able to prepare reports as well..

I enclose my CV and photocopies of certificates. I am prepared to appear for an
interview at any time.

I thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully
Nikhil Yadav
enc. as stated

Samples 2, 3 are similar in format but different in content. From this you should
understand that what you write in the CV and the cover letter depends on your education and the job you’re applying for. Lakshmanan wants a career in handling people whereas Nikhil wants a career in handling numbers. And there is no ‘achievement’ column in the CV because Nikhil has nothing to mention.

The content of cover letters of 2 and 3 helps the reader to form images of Lakshmanan and Nikhil.
But see ‘note’ in 19 in ‘notes’ under 1 in a previous page.

4. a good CV and cover letter [without experience]
the CV

                                              Manveer Jain

 born: 26 July 1986 

9-3-13/B Brahmin Street
Vijayawada—520 001
                                                                                                       phone 26367458

 Run a call centre by 2020    

working together  -- improved my attitude towards  working with people not close
                                     to me
good listener         -- learnt when to listen and when to  respond and if necessary
                                     how to  interrupt
good communicator—learnt to use a word of praise, a word of sympathy, a word of                   

June 2006    B A   Economics, I class, University of  Madras
May 2005    attended a communication workshop and learnt about the key role of

the cover letter

                                                                                                                                                  9-3-13/B Brahmin Street
                                                                                                                                                  Vijayawada—520 001

                                                                                                                                                   20 August 2006

Dear Sir
I would like to apply for the position of Customer Service Executive, advertised in The Indian Express of 17 August.

I have had my education through English. And language comes naturally to me. I am good at Telugu, Hindi, besides English. I like American movies, and I have watched several of them, so I can easily follow a conversation. I cannot, as yet, speak like them but with training, I will.

College hostel life has taught me how to be awake during nights and not feel tired next morning. I have also learnt that patience is a virtue while speaking to strangers.

I enclose my CV and photocopies of certificates. I am prepared to appear for an interview at any time.

I thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully
Manveer Jain
enc. as stated

Sample 4 has the same format as those of 1 and 2 put very different in content. From this you should understand that what you write in the CV and the cover letter depends on your education and the job you’re applying for.

Manveer clearly knows the demands of the job he’s applying for. He says he is a good listener and knows what to say when. He says in his cover letter he has some idea of how native users of English speak and he expresses confidence in himself. These are the ‘skills’ that the employer would expect a candidate to have.

But see ‘note’ in 19 in ‘notes’ under 1 in a previous page. 

5. a good CV and cover letter [without experience]
the CV                                                                

                                         Tejaswini Sawant
 born:16 June 1986

16/67 B Kranti Lane
Near Income Tax Office
Kanpur –208 001                                 phone 26367458

Executive Engineer with career growth in R&D


communication   -- gave seminars on major discipline and allied areas.
                                presented a paper on …………..   ………………
                                at ………………
working together  -- improved my attitude towards working with people not                      
                                 captained college volleyball team and won a Trophy.
                                 got allowances for my team mates
organising            -- as part of tour programme arranged for passports and visas

June 2006    B E   Information Technology, I class, JNTU, Hyderabad        

the cover letter

                                                                                                                                                   16/67 B Kranti Lane
                                                                                                               Near Income Tax Office
                                                                                                               Kanpur –208 001                                       
                                                                                                               20 August 2006

Dear Sir
I would like to apply for the position of Executive Engineer, advertised in The Hindustan Times of 15 August. I believe I have the right qualifications.

My seminar experience helped me get rid of my stage fear and enabled me to come out of
my shell. I realised that I could also use English as well as others, if not better. This has also enabled me to go beyond the syllabus and learn to use the library to strength my knowledge base.

My teachers and batchmates were very understanding and helped me grow as a
person and as a student. I am sure a similar atmosphere prevails in your organisation.

I enclose my CV and photocopies of certificates. I am prepared to appear for an
interview at any time.

I thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully
Tejaswini Sawant
enc. as stated

The blanks in ‘communication’ should be filled in with the title of the paper and the place where it was presented.

Sample 5 has the same format as those of  2, 3 and 4 but very different in content. From this you should understand that what you write in the CV and the cover letter depends on your education and the job you’re applying for.

Tejaswini mentions ‘skills’ under ‘qualification’ that she can support during the interview. She also talks, in the cover letter, about how she became a better person through experiences in the college and help from others. She goes one step further and says she expects a similar atmosphere in the employer’s organisation. This will please any employer. 

3.  cover letters or application letters without experience

‘Cover letter’ is also known as ‘application letter’ or ‘letter of invite’. It should be a
one-page letter.

You’ve already seen the cover letters for 2, 3, 4 and 5. Now you must have some idea of how to write cover letters when you have no experience at all.

In addition to these, you see below some possible variations you can use to write cover letters when you are a fresher.

A cover letter usually has three paragraphs:

The first paragraph

I wish* to apply for the position of ------1------advertised
in -----2--- . I believe I have the right qualifications.

* you can write ‘I would like’ instead of ‘I wish’.

1. fill in the job title[and any reference number that may have been given in the ad].
2. today’s/yesterday’s-----[source name] [or] the---------of ------- the source, the date without year]

I am responding to the position advertised in -------2*------
for a ---------1-----------. I am enclosing my resume for your consideration.

Fill in 2 and 1 as in the previous sample.

Dear Sir
------------------------- [mention here name of the position]
I wish to apply for the above post, advertised in -----1----- .

1. write here 2 as in the first sample

All the three samples above respond to an advertisement placed in a newspaper. But it’s possible that you hear from someone about a vacancy for a position in an organisation. For this, paragraph 1 should be something like:

I recently learnt from ------1-------, -------2------ at ----3-----that you are looking for -------4---------.  I know that your firm is number one in the  region* and I feel that your organisation is the right place for me to develop my talents and skills.


One of your marketing executives, -----1-----, a batchmate of mine at college informed  me of a possible opening for a ---2---- in your marketing division. I think I have the right competencies to apply for it.

*  you can also say ‘I know that your organisation is among the top ten in the country.’
   1. mention the name of the person   2. the position of that person  3. the name of the organisation
       where that person works   4. the position vacant
    1. mention the name of the person     2. mention the position vacant

the  middle paragraph[s] 

This is where you show why you are the right man for the advertised position. This is where you sell yourself with specific aspects of your work history having a direct bearing on the job you’re applying for, like the responsibilities you carried out, the skills that enabled you to promote the interests of your workplaces and that qualify you for the position you’re seeking. This is where you thus convince the reader about your usefulness. 

But then you are a fresher. Naturally you have no work experience. What do you write here?
Since you have no working experience, you cannot talk about professional or job skills. But you can definitely talk about skills you developed or improved as a person or an individual during your stay in an educational institution. Any potential or prospective employer will surely be interested in how you grew or how you matured as an adult.

You already have some idea about what to write from letters 16,17,18, and 19. Let’s see what else you can write:
         1. Did you work or participate as a member of a group in any
              · college activity like Sports Day, College Day, Hostel Day, 
                 Independence Day Celebrations, cultural activities  [or]
              · college Association like Student’s Association or
                 Association of your major Department, RSS  [or]
              · sports team or NCC ?
               If you did, you can say some thing like these: 
        You can also use other college situations or experiences and say things like these:

As a team player in my Department Association, I have learnt to appreciate the need to complete a job within a time frame, to interact with outside world courteously and patiently and not to allow my ego to come between my task and me.   

As a member of the football team, I have  learnt to accept that other members and their ideas are as important as my ideas and me.                                        

As a member of the Table Tennis team, I saw our Physical Director doing injustice to me; I felt hurt when he did not make me captain. I took this positively and decided that when I got an opportunity, I should not behave like him.          

When I joined college, I was shy and would not easily mix with others. Jerome, a close friend of mine now, was the one who showed me that I could be like anybody else and achieve things. So when I get an opportunity, I will do for someone what Jerome did for me.

As Captain of the college volleyball team, I realised that for any leader to be successful, he would need the full cooperation of his team.                                                         

I was the Student President for 2005-2006.  This was when I learnt how difficult it was to be a good leader. I made a few mistakes initially but learnt from them.

From my history teacher, I learnt to give equal importance to others and their ideas, and became a good listener.

I have learnt that having an opinion different from others is not wrong but not respecting the individuality is.

As an organiser of an event or two, I realised the need for tact in dealing with superiors and students whom I did not like.

As an organiser, I realised that convincing is better than commanding.

As an implementer, I realised that when I focused on the objective to be achieved, I was able to do a better job.                        

As an implementer, I realised that achieving a goal was easy when I went to the right people or the right sources.               

I think I am a good listener. I do not interrupt when somebody speaks. I let them complete what they want to say. I think I have a lot of friends because of this.

I learnt this in college: Success depends to a certain extent on how you behave with others.  Be formal with formal people and be informal with informal people. Never mix them up.                                

My college life taught me that being aloof or shy drives others away from you;  makes you feel more lonely and you become a problem to yourself. 

My college life taught me that being aloof or shy drives others away from you;  makes you feel more lonely and you become a problem to yourself. 

I interact well with people. I enjoy working with others. I learn a lot from how others do their jobs.  

I possess good communication skills. Whenever guests came to college, I was the one to introduce them to the students.

I am strong in ------1-------- . I am also interested in -----2--------. Whatever job I may get, I think I will find time to read further and enjoy my reading.

1. an area in your subject where you got good grades 
2. an area in your subject about which you think more and want to know more.
The third sentence clearly indicates your interest in reading and knowledge for the sake of knowledge.   

I was lucky to have good teachers. They were good subject-wise and guided us in the right direction with a friendly attitude, without using their authority. Because of them, I have developed a positive attitude towards others, seeing the good side of others rather than their weak side.                                                           

These twenty items tell you that you have a lot to write about yourself even if you have no work experience. So think about the three or four years of stay in college, remember your interactions with others and what you have learnt about yourself and others, the strengths and weaknesses and how these have shaped you to become a better person. You can use college experiences to say things like these in paragraphs 2 and 3 of your cover letter. Of course, if you get a chance to be interviewed, you should be able to cite instances from your college life to support your claims about your growth. The prospective employer will want to know about the human side of your life because like college, the workplace is a place where you have to move with people, mix with them, get along with them and perform your job.

the last paragraph
This is where you talk about interview dates and close it with an appropriate statement.
 Here are some sample last paragraphs:                                                                             

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this letter and my enclosed curriculum vitae. The telephone number I have given is our landline and all calls are answered.

I look forward to an interview at your convenience. I will call your office next Monday to arrange an interview.

I would appreciate the chance to interview with you at your earliest convenience. If you have questions or would like additional information., contact me at ---------- any Tuesday or Thursday after 10 a.m. or e-mail me at --------------- . Thank you for your time.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your --------- [job]. If you have questions or would like to speak with me personally, please contact me at ------------[phone] any weekday after 3 p.m. Thank you for your time and consideration.                                             

I would enjoy meeting with you at your convenience to discuss this career opportunity further. Also, I have many references that I encourage you to contact. Feel free to call me any weekday morning or e-mail me at ---------- if you have any questions, need further information or would like to set up an interview. Thank you for your consideration.                                        

I would like to discuss my qualifications in an interview at your convenience. Please write to me, telephone me at ----------- any weekday or e-mail me at-------- .

Sample 1 is British style. The other five are American. You may use these if you’re sure you’re applying to a British firm or an American firm overseas. In this case, personal interview may not be possible, unless of course they have branches in India. Telephonic interviews are, however, occurring for selecting right candidates. So you mad add ‘telephonic’ before ‘interview’.

But in our (Indian) environment, it’s safer to write something like this in the final paragraph:

I enclose my CV and photocopies of certificates. I am prepared to appear for an interview at any time.

I thank you for considering my application.   

Don’t write something like 8 or 9: 
If I am appointed, I will be honest and sincere.
I will work to the fullest satisfaction of my superiors.  I will be grateful if you consider my application favourably. I am waiting for a favourable reply.

I promise to work honestly and sincerely and to the fullest satisfaction of my superiors. I hope that you will reply by return of post.

8 or 9 is meaningless because the prospective employer assumes that you will be loyal, sincere, honest. And a response cannot be demanded.

4. cover letter or application letter with experience

There is no difference in the first and the last paragraphs of cover letter without experience or with experience.

The difference is, however, in the middle paragraphs. This is where you show why you are the right man for the advertised position. This is where you sell yourself with specific aspects of your work history having direct bearing on the job you’re applying for, like the responsibilities you carried out, the skills that enabled you to promote the interests of your workplaces and that qualify you for the position you’re seeking. This is where you thus convince the reader about your usefulness. 

There can be no possible model for the middle paragraphs. Because what you will decide to write and how you’ll present it will depend on
                     ¨  the job and the responsibilities that go with it
                     ¨  the jobs you have held and the responsibilities that go with them
                     ¨  the kind of matching you’ll have to do between these two
                     ¨  the role of your contribution to the success of the workplaces.
However, cite instances to show your role in the growth of the firm where you worked and/or are working. Mention quick promotions you received or substantial increase in your salary or any specific training you underwent.
You can also mention, if any, academic or sports honours or any other meritorious recognitions, responsibilities you discharged as a member or a leader in any of the college associations.  

A cover letter should not go beyond a page. So, remember not to write too much. The reader may not have the time or the patience to go through a long cover letter. Be selective in the choice of your experiences, instances that will project you as an achiever in relation to the position you’re seeking.

There should be sufficient specific details focusing on what you are and how you can fit into the new organisation. If you have a lot to say, write them all down, read it as many times as you can, edit it—make it brief and crisp.

Have a good mix of simple, complex and compound sentences, appropriate to the thoughts to be expressed. Don’t go for obscure or high-sounding words. Use positive expressions.

Also you need to proofread or edit and correct any spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors. Error-free letter will indicate you are a thoughtful, careful writer and so a useful employee.

Avoid writing an application letter like 6 you’ll read below.

6. an application letter for a job

At the very outset, I would like to introduce myself as a self-motivated, target-focused Sales and Marketing Management professional seeking an opportunity in growth-oriented organization which can match my talent and enthusiasm.

I have over 11 years of top rate experience in the manufacturing segment - I am currently employed as Regional Senior Sales Executive with India Pistons Limited where I am responsible for generating sales and achieving targets through distributors and dealers across Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa, leading a team of 8 executives.

I am confident that my experience in vendor management, distributor management and team management, aided by my communication skills, determination to succeed and ability to adapt will prove valuable in any sales/marketing environment.

Please refer my Curriculum Vitae for aligning my expertise and experience with the requirements of your esteemed organization.

I hope my qualifications are appropriate for advancing the continued growth and success of your organization. I would be delighted to meet you at a time of your convenience, to further discuss this application.


This is an application letter [also referred to as a ‘cover letter’] to which you attach your resume or curriculum vitae.

You may not find anything wrong with this letter. But let’s see what can be wrong.

‘At the outset’ is an idiom and so ‘at the very outset’ is faulty. We use this idiom when we are talking about a prolonged action or activity, not in a cover letter. The candidate has said in the first paragraph what he should have in the third paragraph. The second thing that is wrong with the paragraph is the phrase ‘seeking an opportunity in growth-oriented organization which can match my talent and enthusiasm’. The indefinite article ‘a’ is missing before ‘growth-oriented’. And we usually match the talents of an individual with an organization, not vice versa.

The second paragraph does talk about experience. But a lot of information has been packed in one long complicated structure; as a result, the applicant fails to focus on vital information. The information could have been broken up into three sentences, each piece receiving equal weight. Besides, ‘currently’ is an expression that stresses the time factor in relation to things like prices, admissions, options, not ‘employment’. There is no ‘top rate’ in the language; we have the adjective ‘top-rated’ as in ‘top-rated TV star’. Even ‘top class’, which means ‘of the highest quality/standard’, is used with nouns like ‘athlete/player’ or ‘activity/performance’. ‘leading a team of 8 members’ is a key information that should not be put into a phrase, especially at the end of a sentence. Information loses its importance when it is put into a subordinated phrase. Again, the relative clause ‘where I am responsible for generating sales and achieving targets through distributors and dealers across Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa’ is not saying anything that will help the prospective employer to form a clear image of the candidate.

There is an awkward repetition of ‘management’ in the third paragraph. And there are only statements without relevant support. Thus the candidate has wasted the time of the prospective employer.

The one-sentence fourth paragraph ‘Please refer my Curriculum Vitae for aligning my expertise and experience with the requirements of your esteemed organization’ is asking the advertiser to perform a job that its writer is supposed to be performing! 

The sentence ‘I hope my qualifications are appropriate for advancing the continued growth and success of your organization’ should have been phrased as ‘I hope I would be able to contribute to the growth and success of your organisation’. ‘Happy’ should have been used instead of ‘delighted’. And ‘further’ is out of place as ‘to discuss this application’ would have been good enough.

‘Thanks’ is an informal expression and should not be used in a formal application.

Then what and how does one write an application letter? 

An application letter is essentially a sales letter. You draft the content of the letter such that it invites the attention of the recipient and sustains it.
     1. In the opening paragraph, indicate how you knew about an opening or a vacancy.
         Say briefly why you are interested in the job.
     2. In the second paragraph, focus on your work experience with examples and details.
     3. In the third paragraph, talk about how you have grown over the years as a 
         professional and how you will be able to contribute to their company.
     4. In the closing paragraph, request an interview. Mention your phone number and/ or
         email address. End the letter with a statement of goodwill.

7. Letter 6 rewritten:

I wish to apply for the post of Manager, South India, advertised in yesterday’s Hindu./ In yesterday’s Hindu, I learnt that you have a Manager’s position available in your marketing division./ During the recent Workshop organized by the Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi, one of your marketing executives informed me of a possible opening for a manager for southern region. My extensive background in sales and marketing makes me an eligible candidate for the position./ Your position interests me not only because you are one of the top ten companies in India but also because I will have the right atmosphere to use and develop my skills and talents./The opportunity interests me because I have the necessary qualifications and experience to make positive contributions to your organisation.

As Regional Senior Sales Executive for Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa, I have been leading a team of resourceful executives. I achieve targets far ahead of schedule and also improve sales by interacting with and tapping the brains of mechanics who actually recommend machine parts, by motivating and seeking the cooperation of distributors and dealers. In addition, I have made reports on the weak links in the sales chain. I have enriched the administration, implementation and supervision of all related activities.

I welcome challenges. My role as innovator, motivator, implementer, manager will bring, I am sure, value addition to your organization. 

I would be happy to have a discussion with you./ I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this letter and my enclosed curriculum vitae.  My email is antelop_26@ . My mobile is 98402 84980. I thank you for considering my application./ I look forward to hearing from you.  

8. Letter 6 rewritten

I wish to apply for the post of Manager, South India, advertised in yesterday’s Hindu. My extensive background in sales and marketing makes me an eligible candidate for the position.

As Regional Senior Sales Executive for Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa, I have been leading a team of resourceful executives. I achieve targets far ahead of schedule and also improve sales by interacting with and tapping the brains of mechanics who actually recommend machine parts, by motivating and seeking the cooperation of distributors and dealers. In addition, I have made reports on the weak links in the sales chain. I have enriched the administration, implementation and supervision of all related activities.

I welcome challenges. My role as innovator, motivator, implementer, manager will bring, I am sure, value addition to your organization. 

I would be happy to have a discussion with you.

You can say your first sentence this way also:
In yesterday’s Hindu, I learnt that you have a Manager’s position available in your marketing division./ During a recent Workshop organized by the Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi, one of your marketing executives informed me of a possible opening for a manager for southern region.

You can say your second sentence this way also:
Your position interests me not only because you are one of the top ten companies in India but also because I will have the right atmosphere to use and develop my skills and talents./The opportunity interests me because I have the necessary qualifications and experience to make positive contributions to your organisation.

You can say your last sentence this way also:
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this letter and my enclosed curriculum vitae.  My email is antelop_26@ . My mobile is 98402 84980. I thank you for considering my application./ I look forward to hearing from you.  

You can see that 6 does not conform to the pattern expected of an application letter whereas 7 does. There is a clear picture about the applicant emerging in the second one. The first paragraph actually contains only two sentences. The slashes(/) you find here and in the last paragraph include sentences as choices. Use one of them in your actual letter.

5. resume or curriculum vitae with experience

This, generally, should be a one-page document. It contains the following information:
     1. heading
     2. job/employment/career objective [or just ‘objective’]
     3. education
     4. employment/work experience
     5. computer skills
     6. honours and activities
     7. references/referees

1. heading
    At the top of the CV, write your name, address, telephone and/or fax numbers and
    e-mail address.       

                 Tejaswini Sawant

                 16/67 B Kranti Lane
                 Near Income Tax Office
                 Kanpur –208 001                     phone 26367458

born: 26 January 1986

                    Nikhil Yadav   

                    Venkatesh Apartments
                    193 Trimurti Nagar
                    Nagpur 440 022                     phone 22367468

born: 26 January 1986

 2 Thirumal Nagar Extn. 1                        Telephone: 9444286065         
 Poonamallee                                                          res:9840620807
 Chennai 600056                                                           
 born:12.10.1942                                        E-mail ID:

Manveer Jain
9-3-13/B Brahmin Street
Vijayawada—520 001

tel: 91-44-26367458

             T.V. Sashikumar
             12 Shanti Niketan
             Lock Road
             4th Main Road
             Chennai 600 034    

             tel:09884 237856

           T. Murugavel
          22 Sannidhi Street
          Chennai 600 022

Samples 1,2,5 and 6 have heading in the centre of the page while 3 and 4 have it at the left margin. The phone numbers are imaginary.

2. objective 

Mentioning your ‘objective’ is optional though potential employers may expect to see a clear objective.
State your desired job title. You can also state what you would want to become at the peak of your career.

Make this as brief as possible.

Front Office Executive with a career growth in customer care                                                                      

Accounts Officer and become a GM *[finance]  

Run a call centre by 2020

Executive Engineer with career growth R&D*     

Reach the pinnacle in sales and marketing  

Manager—Accounts leading to top management in corporate finance

A challenging position in technical support and computer networking

GM* = General Manager   R&D* Research and Development

3. education [or]  qualifications [or]
    education and training  [or]  qualifications and training

List the degree[s] starting from the most recent, the year[s], awarding institution[s], performance [only if it is high].

Mention your high school only if you want to highlight some special features of your school career like recognition awards. This is worth mentioning only if winning awards has been a continuous feature throughout your education.

Also list any training you have undergone related to your major discipline before employment or during employment.
You can also list any training you may have undergone or courses you have completed if they clearly indicate knowledge and/or skills you have acquired. This additional information will imply your interest in going beyond your professional environment and broadening your horizon. 

PhD in customer care, expected, December 2006
Postgraduate Diploma in human relations,
Indira Gandhi Open University, 2004
Masters in Business Administration, 2003
IIM, Ahemedabad
Bachelor of Arts in commerce, University of Madras, 2001

Teaching [qualifications]
1994    Certificate as a trainer   Indian Society for Technical Education, Delhi
             [for induction of college teachers]
1990   PGDTE (English)       CIEFL, Hyderabad       Excellent
1988   PGCTE (English)       CIEFL, Hyderabad       Excellent
1987   Basic Cert.                  Association of Indian   Very Good
            [Methodology and]    Universities, Delhi      
            [Examinations     ]
1986  B.Ed [English]            Annamalai University     I Class
1986  PG Diploma                ISSR, Salem                    I Class
            [Edu. Admn.]              Thamizhnadu
1966  MA [English]             Madras University      
1962  BA  [English]             Madras University    

Bachelor of Arts in economics, University of Madras   1992
PG Certificate in sales and marketing, IIM, Kozhikode, 2005



Year                   Qualification                                          Institution

                          [M.Phil.]                                     Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed            
                          [Human Development                College for Women, S.I.E.T.              
                    and Family Studies]                    Teynampet, Chennai                    
2005                  Advanced Diploma                    I-Kan Learning Centre, Adyar
                          [Learning Disabilities]                 Chennai
2005                  Advanced Diploma                    International Montessori,                 
                          [Montessori, Kindergarten           kindergarten and Nursery
                           and Nursery Training]                Training Institute
                                                                             [Affiliated to American                                                                                                                                 Montesseri Association],
                                                                               Mylapore, Chennai
2005                  M.A.
                          [Child Care and Education]        Alagappa University,
                                                                              Karaikudi, Thamizhnadu
2004                 Dip. in Special Education    Academy for Teachers’ Excellence      
                         [Multiple Disabilities]            [V-Excel Educational Trust]
                                                                        Adyar, Chennai
2003                  B.Sc.                                      Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed
                          [Psychology]                          College for Women, S.I.E.T.
                                                                         Teynampet, Chennai

The potential employer will be interested in the most recent qualification you have had and so samples 1, 2 and 4 start from the most recent because they list several qualifications.

4. experience/employment/professional experience
Mention all the jobs you have held and activities in a bulleted form.
You can arrange your experience in two ways:
Start with the most recent work backwards.   \






Group your jobs by putting similar types of jobs into several sections with different subheadings like ‘administrative experience’, ‘financial experience’,
‘research experience’, ‘laboratory experience’, ‘major accomplishments’  or any other suitable title. Describe the responsibilities you have carried out or activities you have performed, using verbs in the present tense for current job and in past tense for the
the previous jobs.

Indian Pistons Limited, Chennai                                                            1993—2006
     Regional Sales Executive—in charge of  Tamilnadu, Kerala, Goa      2000-2006
           Transformed and improved distribution system
           Recovered confidence of dealers, distributors and mechanics
           Achieved sales targets ahead of time
           Set higher targets and achieved them
           Ensured customer satisfaction    
      Executive—logistics                                                                            1997—2000
            Outsourcing warehousing
      Executive—marketing                                                                         1995—1995
             Coordination with production department
             Execution of inter-depot stock transfers
             Depot inventories
      Executive—accounts                                                                           1994—1995
             Sales and F.O.C. invoices
             Sales daybook
             Coupons, travel expenses
      Management Trainee                                                                           1993—1994  

Sri Ramachandra Hospital, Porur, Chennai                                                    2000—present
         Senior Staff Nurse
         Theatre, ICU duties
Devi Hospitals                                                                                                1993--2000
          Staff Nurse
          Surgical wards
          O.P.D.                                                                                                                            2

Teaching Experience

        ·  Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering                    1985-2005
           Pennalur, Thamizhnadu. 602105                                  (21 years)
            former Professor (English) and Head
            Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
            Technical English to first year students of BE/B.Tech.

         ·  Ministries of Education, Kwara and Bauchi States     1984-1977
            Senior Education Officer (English)                            (7 years)
             English Language and African literature in English 

          · Ministry  of  Education, Ethiopia                                  1977-1968
            Teacher (English)                                                       (9 years)
             English language to students from class 6 to 12 
          · AM Jain College                                                            1962-1966        
             Meenambakam, Chennai, India                                     1967-1968    
             Tutor and Lecturer in English to PUC/BA/BSc               (5 years]
          · Sri Palaniandavar College of Indian Culture              1966-1967   
             Palni, Thamizhnadu                                                         (1 year)
             Lecturer in English
             English Literature to BA                                                             
                                                                               Total experience  43 years

Work experience
Year                       duration                   institution
2006                     2 months                   Blooming Buds, Chennai
2005-2006           6 months                    Home visits 
2005                     2 months                    Shristi Special School
                                                               Anna Nagar, Chennai
2004                     2 months                    Kutty’s Play School [Volunteer]
                                                               Mylapore, Chennai
2004 - 2005         10 months                   V-Excel Educational Trust
                                                                Adyar, Chennai
2004                     3 months                    Good Shepherd Higher Secondary
                                                                Matriculation School
                                                                Nungambakkam, Chennai

Number 3 in the previous page titled ‘teaching experience’ suggests that the applicant has gained experience in other areas as well but he has chosen to begin with experience in teaching because he is probably applying for a position which will require teaching skills.
Suppose he wanted to apply for an administrative position like ‘principal’ or ‘dean’,
he would start with his experience in several positions other than ‘teacher’.

      ·   Palni                                                                                     1966 – 1967
           supervised food quality, study time, sports time
           ensured discipline, friendly atmosphere, quality amenities
      ·  Nigeria                                                                                   1977 – 1980
           ensured food quality, play facilities, library,
              discipline, friendly atmosphere, study time,
       ·  Chennai--Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering
             ¨Head of the Department of H.S.S.                                 1985-2005
                performed duties of a Head
                ensured quality teaching, quality book purchases
                supervised students-run magazine ‘Phoenix’
                supervised students-run ‘Speakers’ Forum’           
             ¨Staff Advisor, Students’ Association                            1986-2005
                supervised all students-run activities like
                  cultural activities, social service
             ¨Overall Counsellor I BE/B.Tech/MCA                        1996-2005
                 had regular meetings, invited suggestions,
                 counselled and resolved personal problems of students 
             ¨ Election Officer                                                           1986-2005
                 conducted  annual elections to Students’ Association
                 constantly improved regulations                  
             ¨Officer in charge – College Canteen                            1988-2005
                  supervised quality in purchases, food preparation
                    and service
                  arranged for quality infrastructure, cooks, assistants
                  ensured the welfare of personnel                      
              ¨ Officer in charge – College Calendar                         2000-2005
                  printing adequate information about college,
                    university and college regulations, staff list 
             ·  Anna University
                 Member, Board of Studies in Humanities and Sciences 2002-2005
              played a key role in improving I BE English syllabus                             5

He would then continue with experiences in other areas.

5. computer skills
    If you are a computer professional, this will form part of your experience. Otherwise, 
    you may mention here your skills related to the use of the computer.

6. honours and activities
    You can mention here anything that has brought you reputation and recognition. You
    can talk about linguistic abilities---languages, writing, editing, participation in
    community activities and/or social service, professional and club memberships,

7. references 
    Referees are also referred to as ‘references’. See item 24 in ‘notes’ under 8.1.
    Under this item, it’s possible to say ‘available on request’.

5.7 Variation in CV preparation

It is not necessary to strictly follow the order given in 5.6 in the preparation of your CV if you have vast experience.

It’s possible, for instance, to avoid mentioning the ‘objective’. You can also reorder the items to your convenience, keeping in mind what will interest the potential employer. You can interchange the positions of ‘education’ and ‘experience’. You can add in your CV something like ‘interests’ if you think that this will add value to your CV. You can also provide names of referees with their addresses, without waiting to be asked.

You can organise your CV ‘chronologically’ or ‘functionally’. Or you can organise your CV both chronologically and functionally. Use one of them according to the requirements stated in the advertisement you’re responding to. The requirements may or may not be stated openly. If there is even a hint of ‘consistency’ or ‘continuity’, the prospective employer will probably like a chronological CV. If the advertiser lists ‘skills’ and/or ‘qualities’, a functional one will be appropriate.  

Take a look at the samples in the next two pages.

9. a chronological CV


T V Ramkumaar

G-2 Fortune Enclave
22 Rukmani Street
Chennai 600 0053

Tel: 26584233


Regional Sales Executive in charge of Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa, India Pistons Ltd. Responsible for achieving set targets, improving sales, satisfying customers, launching new products, product moving trend analysis, planning and implementing appropriate scheme for mechanics and reborers.

Executive-logistics, India Pistons Ltd. In charge of warehousing and outsourcing it.

Executive-marketing, India Pistons Ltd. Coordinated with production dept., executed inter-depot stock transfers, carried out depot inventories

Executive-accounts, India Pistons Ltd. Maintained sales and F.O.C. invoices, sales daybook

Management Trainee, India Pistons Ltd. Trained in all operational departments.  

Qualifications and training

PG Certificate in Sales and Marketing, IIM, Kozhikode        2005
Diploma in MS Office, Lotus notes                                        1998
Bachelor of Arts in economics, University of Madras            1992


Meeting people


---------------------------                     ------------------------------
---------------------                             --------------------------
-------------------                                --------------------

10. a functional CV 


T V Ramkumaar

G-2 Fortune Enclave
22 Rukmani Street
Chennai 600 0053

Tel: 26584233


Enthusiastic, innovative, committed, practical, outgoing, self-driven person wishing to reach the pinnacle in sales and marketing. Able to work as a team member and a team leader to set targets, to initiate action and to realise goals in a given time frame.


Has recently completed a PG Diploma in sales and marketing at IIM, Kozhikode.

Skills gained 

· achieving sales targets ahead of time-schedule
· planning and organising training  programmes
· managing distributors and dealers effectively
· setting and achieving performance standards for self and team
· ensuring smooth labour-related environment
· applying cost control in purchases, transportation
· employing successfully third-party logistics
· willing listener
· including suggestions from team in action plans
· employing inventive strategies to draw end-customers
· improving customer database


· Seventeen years’ work experience with Indian Pistons Ltd., known for its quality products
· Responsible for achieving set targets, improving sales, satisfying customers, launching new  
   products, product moving trend analysis, planning and implementing appropriate scheme for 
   mechanics and reborers.
· In charge of warehousing and outsourcing it
· Maintained sales and F.O.C. invoices, sales daybook


Bachelor of Arts in economics, University of Madras            1992



Cricket, Travel, Meeting people


---------------------------                     ------------------------------
---------------------                             --------------------------
-------------------                                --------------------
---------------                                     --------------        

11. a functional resume

                                             T V Ramkumaar

                                                        G-2 Fortune Enclave
                                                          22 Rukmani Street
                                                           Chennai 600 0053

Tel: 26584233                                                                               e-mail:

Management Experience
        • Regional Senior Sales executive, India Pistons Ltd                                     2000-2006
           lead a team of 10 sales executives across Tamilnadu, Kerala and Goa. Plan, organise, achieve
           targets [Rs.70 lakhs per month], generate and improve sales, identify potential dealers, assess
           credit risk, conduct product familiarisation programmes, motivate dealers and distributors.

       • Meet garage mechanics and reborers, create demand for products, manage reborers through
         on the spot technical classes. Focus on customer satisfaction through settling complaints and
         claims in record time, ensure on-time product delivery, enhance product perception through
         leaflets in regional languages.

        • Executive-logistics, India Pistons Ltd.                                                          1997-2000
           Maintained inventory and stock transfer, handled tactfully a composite team of workers, staff
           and executives, implemented ISO procedures and FIFO adherence. Initiated outsourcing
           warehouse activities, handled negotiation of rate contract[RC].

        PG Certificate in Sales and Marketing, IIM, Kozhikode        2005
        Diploma in MS Office, Lotus notes                                        1998
        Bachelor of Arts in economics, University of Madras            1992

         Represented Tamilnadu in under-15/17/19 teams and Madras University
         Record holder of All India Inter-Colleges for fastest century during 1991-1996
         Captained North Division Colleges
         Chairperson—Selection Committee for under-17/19 teams, TDCA—2004-2005
         Current chairperson—Selection Committee for under 13/15 teams—TDCA
         Current member—State Selection Committee under-13 team

          Available on request  

5.7 electronic/online version of a CV

The CVs we’ve seen so far are known as traditional paper resumes. ‘Paper’ because they are printed on paper. ‘Traditional’ because the CVs in 5.6 are contrasted against the latest medium which is ‘electronic’. We usually mail them by post or send them via e-mail.
Do not send it by e-mail as an attachment unless a company requests it. Because of the danger of viruses on attachments, several companies, as a policy, delete attachments before opening e-mails. So paste your CV to the e-mail, and then reformat it to suit the e-mail message window. Or get ready an electronic version of your paper CV and put it on the e-mail.

To widen your job search, you may respond to ads in the print media, in the electronic media, to post your CV on job boards on the Internet or to post it on your Web page if you have one.

The traditional paper CVs will do for land or air mail. You’ll need an electronic version prepared in a specified format to send it via e-mail or the Internet.

An electronic version should be an ASCII [American Standard Code for Information Interchange] document. While preparing such a document, you
              ·  must not use things like graphic lines or boxes, bullets, underlining, italics
                  or boldface,
              ·  should use only simple font styles and sizes between 10 and 14 points,
              ·  should replace bullets with hyphens or asterisks and use white spaces between
                  sections rather than indenting, 
              ·  should set the margins so as not to go beyond 65 characters per line, including
                  spaces between words, 
              ·  should save your document as an ASCII or MS-Dos text document using the
                  .txt extension.

But if you have to submit a CV with special design features, you may scan it as a PDF file.

Your electronic version may be scanned or downloaded into a company’s database. Such companies prefer to see ‘nouns’ rather than ‘verbs’ to describe experience and skills
[supervisor and refinement rather than supervised and refined]. So you may include a separate section titled ‘keywords’ [also known as ‘descriptors’] in your resume to refer to your experience and skills. Use a maximum of 50 terms for this purpose. Place this section below the ‘heading’ or above ‘references’. See a sample in the next page.

[CVs 23, 24 and 25 and the related thoughts are based on information in “Handbook of ]
[Technical Writing” by Gerald J. Alred et al, St. Martin’s Press, seventh edition, 2003]

12. a sample electronic version of a resume

K R Lakshminarayanan
2 Thirumal Nagar Extn. 1                       
Poonamallee, Chennai 600 056
(91-44-2649 1052)                                                          

Job Objective
Language Expert—English, Asian Region

Curriculum and course writer, course/programme coordinator, language skills trainer, student counsellor, test items writer, answer scripts evaluator, English teacher—class 6 to UG, coursebook writer, ‘communication’ books writer for the public, researcher.

**1994    Certificate as ‘induction’ trainer   ISTE, Delhi
**1990    PGDTE (English)         CIEFL, Hyderabad      
** 1988   PGCTE (English)         CIEFL, Hyderabad      
**1987    Basic Cert.                    AIU, Delhi  
            [Methodology and]               
            [Examinations     ]
**1986    B.Ed [English]              Annamalai University    
**1986    PG Diploma                   ISSR, Salem                    
            [Edu. Admn.]                       
**1966    MA [English]                Madras University  
**1962    BA  [English]                Madras University    

Employment Experience
** English professor--1985-2005
     Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India
** English teacher—1968-1984
    Ministries of Education, Kwara and Bauchi States, Nigeria     
    Ministry  of  Education, Ethiopia    
** English tutor and lecturer—1962-1968
     AM.Jain College, Chennai, Sri Palniandavar College of Indian Culture, Palni, Tamilnadu

Publications and conferences
** articles on ELT and topics of general interest in the States, Ethiopia and India
** English coursebooks for UG engineering students, recommended for study
** The Communicating Art—2004
** Speak in English you can!—2006
** in press
     English for Competitive Examinations [co-author]
     Puzzles and Games for Children--5-12
     Edit your writing
     Pen your letters

Further information
**References, writing samples available on request

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