1. Interviews
1.1 Introduction
Interview is interaction.
1.2 Types of Interviews
· job
· evaluation
· disciplinary
· counseling
· termination
· information [exit, persuasive]
· conflict-resolution
Here we talk only about job interviews.
1.3 job interviews
Here, the job applicant and one or more
than one representative of the employer meet; the representative finds out
through applicant’s responses to questions if the applicant matches the
criteria set to see/assess the fitness of the applicant for the job
advertised. There could be more than one interview before the applicant is
considered for appointment.
While the types of interview given above
will not be of more than academic interest to you (will serve only as
information to store in your memory), what follows about job interview will be
of utmost importance to you and should receive your utmost attention. Because
receiving the information, assimilating it and putting it into practice when occasions
arise will open the gates of your future career.
face to face telephonic
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2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10
1. screening
2. directive/non-directive
3. stress
4. behavioural
5. group
6. Tag-team
7. mealtime
8 audition
9. follow-up
10. no ‘ad’
A look at the box tells you that job
interviews are seen from different angles and selection method can vary.
However, all these have the same objective.
1.4.1 Face to face interviews
The screening interview aims only to
ensure a candidate has met minimum qualification requirements. Either computer
programmes or human professional gatekeepers weed out unqualified candidates.
They look for gaps in education or career or for pieces of information that
look inconsistent.
Highlight your qualifications [if you are a
fresher] and achievements [if you’re
experienced]. Speak about one or both in
detail so that the interviewer is left in no doubt about them.
The directive interview treats all
candidates in the same fashion and tests without variation. A prepared of set
of questions is put to all the candidates. Candidates have no chance to move
away from the set path, and thus their individuality may not be clearly
visible. But the purpose is to see how they compare with each other and to
select the best.
In contrast, a non-directive interview is
not based on any fixed set of questions. The interviewer[s] will move from
responses to asking further questions. Here candidates have a lot of scope to
sell themselves.
Come prepared with a list of your skills,
instances and anecdotes to support them
and use them to your advantage.
The Stress interview tests the
mental strength of candidates. The interviewer would like to see, for instance,
how candidates react to being kept waiting—getting impatient, fidgeting in the
seat, getting up to ask for a reason. The interviewer may stare, ask questions
that might test patience, want an impossible task to be completed in the given
time limit. The tone might be downright rude, the language unpalatable, the
body language insulting.
If any of the things mentioned happens,
take a deep breath, ignore the stare, answer questions without getting tense,
do the task to the best of your ability without getting upset, pay no attention
to the tone or language.
Behave normally and answer politely,
The behavioural interview
concentrates on past work performance that includes attitudes, motivation,
skills. It uses the candidate’s past
behaviour as a yardstick for selection. The philosophy is behaviour [good or
bad, efficient or inefficient etc.] does not change overnight.
You must have in your mind vivid instances
or situations which called for using your skills, a specific behaviour. Narrate
them well and add, if you can, a bit of drama to it.
The group interview brings together
a few applicants and the interviewer sets a few tasks as group tasks. Or the
interviewer may discuss the peculiar qualifications of a candidate in front of
other candidates. Leadership skills and team player skills will be tested.
Assert yourself but don’t be aggressive.
Speak confidently, show respect to others through your body language. Don’t
raise your voice. Use verbal and nonverbal expressions to establish your
leadership and to perform as a member of a team.
The Tag-team interview will have, as
members, heads of different departments as part of the panel. The intention is
to see how candidates are seen by heads who will judge them for skills and
activities related to their respective departments.
Success does not depend on how rightly you
answer the questions but how well you see the questions in the light of several
interpretations. For instance, a question on budget allocation for a particular
activity will be viewed by heads from their own department perspectives.
Through your response, show that you recognize these perspectives.
The mealtime interview considers
interviewing as a social event where two human beings meet, say, a light meal
or tea with biscuits. The intention is to see how candidates behave as social
beings, as guest to a host, how well they follow the norms—dress, table
manners, how relaxed they are, etc.
If you can find out how your interviewer
will dress, that will give a clue to how you should dress. If you cannot, let
your dress be neat and clean.
Follow the behaviour code:
· Don’t sit until your host does.
· If your host excuses himself/herself,
get up and sit only after he’s left when your host
returns, get up [and hold the host’s seat slightly back, if it’s a lady]
and sit down after
the host sits.
· Don’t make noise while eating or
drinking. Don’t begin eating until the host does.
If the host orders a dish you don’t like,
either eat it or indicate your disinclination as
politely as you can.
· Keep your mobile in silent mode.
· Let your host know, verbally
non-verbally that you ARE listening.
· Thank the interviewer for the meal.
The audition interview is arranged
for jockeys who anchor programmes in a radio or a TV channel, or for
computer programmers or trainers. The interviewer intends to see a candidate in
action in a simulation or brief audition exercise and how well the
candidate exhibits the skills.
Be mentally prepared for this contingency
and act out the role, use the required skills to the satisfaction of the
The follow-up interview is a
continuation activity where the interviewer may require candidates to go
through more than one interview. This will test the consistency level of a
candidate with regard to the varied skills.
The interview suggests that you have
succeeded in the first one. So, bear in mind the objective of the interviewer,
move with confidence, perform the task[s] using all your skills, competencies
and experience.
The no ‘ad’ interview is rare. Yet,
you may seek personnel manning running human resource departments in
companies and explain the skills you possess and how they can be of use to
their organizations.
Treat this as a live interview and so go
fully prepared.
Give the interviewer your resume with
contact information.
Telephone interviews
This mode of interview is getting popular.
This can be the first interview or a second or a third.
Once you apply for a job, be mentally
prepared to be interviewed telephonically. So
· keep ready all documents necessary in
a place you can reach in seconds.
· have a note pad and a pencil near the
telephone or within easy reach.
· anticipate questions and practise
responses until you’re satisfied.
· train your voice and tone.
· once you are sure it is an interview
call, turn off TV etc. if you’ve been listening.
· identify yourself with your name.
· respond appropriately and adequately:
go beyond ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
· if you have no answer, say so and
indicate you’re willing to learn.
· take notes as you speak, jot down in words and phrases, telephone
numbers, names
· promise to contact people, send
information required etc.
· keep ready a few clarification
questions from your side.
ask them if you are given the chance.
· don’t smoke or eat while you are on
the phone.
· thank the interviewer for the call and
the time.
face to face interview details
· the interviewer’s expectations
· the interviewer’s criteria/parameters
for selection
· pre-interview activities
· preparation for the interview
· performance in the interview. Interviewer’s
The interviewer will expect
| | |
appearance content expression
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_________________ ____________
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1 2
3 4 5
2 3 4
content: information
ability expression: talking
1. subject knowledge 1. communicating ability:
2. general knowledge · language knowledge
· environment · language use
3. values · nonverbal language
4. opinions · listening
5. career objective 2. discussion
· reasoning
· analyzing
· problem-solving
· inferring
3. mental makeup:
· cleverness
· intelligence
· quickness
· team play
· leadership
4. psychological makeup:
· confidence
· motivation
· attitude
· values
· prejudices
Note: The items listed here are not
discrete; they are not independent
of each other. Throughout the interview, there’ll be a constant
interplay between and among them. All the same, they are
listed here separately for the sole purpose of identifying them
for you to know the areas and their constituents so that you use
these different abilities to perform to your satisfaction and to
the satisfaction of your interviewer[s].
| Selection criteria/parameters
4.0 listening
facts 4.1 eye contact }attentiveness
4.2 facial expressions }[in] comprehension
4.3 body language }
expression process 5.0 personality
language [verbal] 5.1 confident
2.1.1 vocabulary
5.2 motivated
2.1.2 structure [grammar] 5.3 positive/assertive
2.1.3 clarity
5.4 prejudiced
2.1.4 fluency/accuracy 5.5 ready to accept errors/faults
2.1.5 brevity
5.6 humourous
5.7 loud/low ®voice volume
2.2.1 eye contact 6.0 appearance
body posture
6.1 dress:
2.2.3 lively face, tone 6.2 look : clean-shaven
2.2.4 hand gestures
2.2.5 silence
thinking process
3.1 recall
3.2 react
3.2.1 reason logicalize
3.2.2 analyze
3.2.3 cohere
3.2.4 infer
3.2.5 solve
Your responses
to all questions must reflect all these. Pre-Interview Activities
Appearing for a
job interview is a very important activity in your life, for it might the
deciding your course of future life.
Before you appear for an interview you need to do gather certain
details that would help you to perform better and confidently. The following
are some of the activities that you need to do:
Know about
the company
branches and their
type of clients/ customers
Know about
the job
skills needed to perform
career growth
salary and other benefits
A few other tasks:
If possible, visit the place of interview. This will help you to judge the time
it takes for you to travel to the venue, where you can park your vehicle and
similar other things.
Wear a formal dress. You may wear neatly-pressed full-sleeved shirt and
formal trousers. Shoes should be well polished.
Have a clean, neatly trimmed hairstyle. If you are a lady, wear a saree
or any other formal dress. Avoid heavy make-up and jewellery.
Make sure that you reach the venue at least fifteen minutes
before the scheduled time. This will not only ensure your prompt presence but
also provide you an opportunity to get your breath back and also gain
your composure and self-control.
Preparaing for the interview
need to anticipate the kind of questions you would be
asked, and prepare answers to them.
Group 1
These questions
may relate to your main discipline and allied disciplines. In all probability,
the interviewer would be interested in knowing how good your knowledge of
fundamentals is. So browse through your class ten, eleven and plus two
textbooks on mathematics and the sciences. You may even be tested for
relationship between these fundamentals and the knowledge that builds on these,
which of course you studied in your degree course.
There is a
general complaint from organizations conducting campus interviews that most
candidates have only superficial subject knowledge and are unable to satisfactorily
answer questions on the fundamentals and their relation to the engineering
Group 2
There may also
be questions on your general knowledge—about the world and what you see
and experience around you. You should read newspapers, watch news channels and
learn about events—political, social, scientific, technical, sports—at
least from third semester onwards. You should also be prepared to express opinions
on these events. You may also be prepared to talk about ‘concepts’ about
behaviour, attitudes of people involved in these events. This requires
generalizing ability. How do you do all this? You should use internet,
scientific/technical journals and specialist books to gather in the form of
notes knowledge about latest happenings in your field and others; you should
use newspapers, magazines to gather in the form of notes latest happenings at
national and international levels in politics, social circles and sports. You
may even be asked questions related to your hobbies.
Be specific about hobbies: gardening, photography, coin/currency
collection, (not listening to music, watching TV, reading novels,
spending time with friends)
Group 3
You are very
likely to be asked to state your career objective—short term and long
term. The interviewer would like to know how focused you are about your goal.
‘Short term’ goal relates to a
period of a maximum of five years, and ‘long term’ of course pertains to a
longer period—say, by the time you are in your late thirties or mid-forties.
Stating specific goals will depend how well you know the career path and growth
in a given area of activity. If you have no idea, you can be frank enough to
immediate goal is to get a good job in a good company. I’ll
think of goals the moment I know
where I am going in my career.’
There is nothing wrong in saying this;
your interviewer will be satisfied with this answer.
About yourself:
1. Tell me/us about yourself.
How would you describe yourself?
Describe your home background.
Why did you choose engineering when the
are several other interesting disciplines?
What’s your main discipline? Why did you choose it?
Trace your personality growth in your College.
React to the College regulations.
Comment on your syllabuses.
Comment on the evaluation procedure of your University.
Which faculty did you like most? Why?
Which faculty did you like least? Why?
About the prospective employer:
2. What do you know about our Organization?
What can you tells us about our Company?
What interests you about our products?
What do you know about our competitors?
Reasons for selection:
3. Why would you wish to build a career
with us?
Can you say why we should employ you?
Tell us how you can contribute to our growth.
Why do you wish to seek a position in this company?
Why should I hire you?
Your goals:
4. What are your long range and short range
goals and objectives?
What specific goals other than those related to your occupation have
you established for yourself for the next ten years?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Ten years from now?
What do you really want to do in life?
What are your long range objectives?
How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
Job experience:
5. Why did you leave your last job?
Can you explain this gap in your employment history?
Describe the best/worst superior you’ve had.
Describe the best job you’ve ever had.
What would your last boss say about your work performance?
Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?
Describe the workload in your current/most recent job.
Describe the most rewarding experience of your career thus far.
What’s one of the hardest decisions you’ve ever had to make?
Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor? How did you resolve the
Did you encounter any major problem in your job? How did you deal with
You may have some home or personal problems. Wouldn’t they interfere
with your job
6. How do you determine or evaluate
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
Do you consider yourself a leader?
What are the attributes of a good leader?
Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?
Describe the relationship that should exist between the supervisor and
those reporting to that person.
If you were hiring a job-seeker for this position, what qualities would
you look for?
In what kind of work environment are you comfortable?
How do you work under pressure?
What strategies/steps do you take to new situations?
What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
What criteria will you use to evaluate the company for which you hope to
What have you achieved that shows your initiative and willingness to
What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
How well do you work with people? Do you prefer working alone or in
How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?
What qualifications do you have that make you successful in this career?
Leadership and teamwork cannot go together. How do you see this?
Can’t punctuality be an impediment to development?
How would you change things if you came to us?
Are conflicts essential to growth?
Your strengths/weaknesses
How do you rate your performance in your job?
What parameters/criteria can you think of to judge your job performance?
7. What’s the most recent book you’ve read?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
What salary do you expect?
Will you relocate when necessary?
[i] Your perceptions of how to do your job and those of your
immediate superior may vary/clash. How would you handle that?
[ii] Your subordinate is lethargic and stubborn. How would
you make him/her work?
Here is a list of sample behaviour-based
interview questions:
1. Describe a stressful situation and how
you coped with it.
2. Give me an instance where you used good
judgement and logic.
3. Give us a concrete instance where your
presentations skills proved effective.
4. Any instance where you had to conform to
a policy you didn’t like.
5. Tell us how you used your prioritizing
6. Cite an experience where you had to face
and deal with conflict.
7. Did you ever use anticipation and
prevent a disaster?
8. Tell us a situation that went out of
Sample answers
Q.1. Tell us
about yourself.
A. If you have
work experience, talk about your qualifications, work habits, attitude
towards work / life and how these would
help you perform in the new place for the
benefit of the prospective employer and
for your benefit.
You’ll have plenty of things to say about
yourself even if you are a fresher. If you’ve
prepared well for the interview, you’ll be
ready with the information about the
Organization for questions under group 4
in stage one under entitled ‘preparing for
the interview’. Link this information about the job you are
seeking and your skill sets
and say things like these:
College life has taught me how to be polite and courteous
to superiors. I have also learnt that patience and compromise are essential
to realizing goals.
College hostel life has taught me how to be awake during
nights and not feel tired next morning. I have also learnt that patience is a
virtue while speaking to strangers.
My seminar experience helped me get rid of my stage fear
and enabled me to come out of my shell. I realised that I could also use
English as well as others, if not better. This has also enabled me to go
beyond the syllabus and learn to use the library to strength my knowledge
My teachers and batchmates were very understanding and
helped me grow as a person and as a student. I am sure a similar atmosphere
prevails in your organisation.
As a team player in my Department Association, I have
learnt to appreciate the need to complete a job within a time frame, to
interact with outside world courteously and patiently and not to allow my ego
to come between my task and me.
When I joined college, I was shy and would not easily mix
with others. Jerome, a close friend of mine now, was the one who showed me
that I could be like anybody else and achieve things. So when I get an
opportunity, I will do for someone what Jerome did for me.
I have learnt that having an opinion different from others
is not wrong but not respecting the individuality is.
From my history teacher, I learnt to give equal importance
to others and their ideas, and I became a good listener.
My college life taught me that being aloof or shy drives
others away from you makes you feel lonelier and you become a problem to
I was lucky to have good teachers. They were good
subject-wise and guided us in the right direction with a friendly attitude,
without using their authority. Because of them, I have developed a positive
attitude towards others, seeing the good side of others rather than their
weak side.
The statements
in the box provide to the interviewer a glimpse of who you are as a person with
the right skills sets. You can think of
some more like these, can’t you? You need to give a positive picture of
yourself. You need to be personal.
Q.2. Why do you
think you deserve this job?
What according to you are your
A. State your qualifications / skills and relate them to the job.
Q.3. What do you
think is your weakness?
A. Be careful when
you answer this question or a similar one. Name something that can
be seen both positively and negatively.
For example, you may say you are
overconfident; this can mean that as a
performer you need to be aggressive as well as
confident; it can also be seen as a
negative aspect.
Q.4. Where do
see yourself after four years from now?
What are your career objectives?
A. Your answer
should project yourself as a person with foresight, a planner and a
performer. You might quote your past
achievements to prove how you executed your
plans. Relate your response to the job
Q.5. Why do want
to join our company?
Why do want to quit your present post?
A. Don’t give reasons like finance, personal
benefits etc. You can talk about better work
environment, policies of the firm,
international or technical exposure etc. as
Q.6. Do you
think that your degree has equipped you for this job?
A. SayTalk
briefly about your educational or technical qualification, if they are related
the job. Concentrate more on other skills
like leadership, organising, communication,
teamwork etc. that you have developed or
honed during your college days. Cite
instances where you have proved yourself.
Q.7. Can you say
why we should employ you?
A. If you are a
fresher without experience, talk about the knowledge you have gained in
your major discipline, a bit of this
knowledge put to test through your project with
practical applications or implications,
some of the communicating and interpersonal
skills you have developed through
participation in several co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities. Talk about how you’ve
matured in the four years of stay at your
college from an adolescent into an adult.
Q.8. Why should
you wish to build a career with us?
A. Yours is a young organization. I can grow
with it. There’ll be plenty of opportunities
for my contribution. [or]
Yours is an organization of repute. You
are among the top five in the field. I believe
you treat newcomers with understanding.
Q.9. What do you
know about our organization?
A. Talk about
their products, their performance in the market, their policies regarding
employees, their treatment of employees,
their humanitarian activities and so on.
Q.10 You may
have some personal problems. Wouldn’t they interfere with your
job performance?
A. I am eager to
start working, learn and gain experience. I won’t allow anything to come
in between me and success. It’ll not be
easy but I think I’ll achieve it, with
from colleagues and superiors.
Q.11. Your subordinate is stubborn and
lethargic. How would you handle him?
A. Frankly speaking, there is no ready-made
solution. I’d try for a rapport and a few days
later call him for a chat after office hours and see if I can identify
the cause behind his
behaviour—whether he is so by nature or he is using it as a self-defence
against pressure from external source; I’d suggest a change in behaviour
but if he
persisted, I’d warn him; failing in all these, I’d be forced to
recommend his dismissal.
Q.12. You’ve
worked in several firms in a short span of time. How do you defend that?
A. My aim was to
gain experience through different work environments in the quickest
possible time and also to settle in a
place where my long term goals and my
|employer’s goals merge most.
|Whatever answer you give, let your language, body language, tone, face
|honesty, sincerity.
Stage two
This is when you
go through a few mock interviews.
It’s necessary to
have a few practice sessions. You may have an excellent subject knowledge and
also a good grasp of what’s happening around you and the world in general, you
may know how to use your strengths, yet you may fail.
Remember you’ll be
facing strangers and your future lies in their hands. Facing them
requires tension-free behaviour.
A few practice
sessions will help minimize this nervousness or tension. Your faculty can help
here if you’re in college. They can come together as a panel of interviewers
and conduct at least three or four interview sessions. They can seek the help
of a few senior executives (some of these can be old students of your college)
to join the panel so that the interview is lent a professional look. These
sessions should be videoed.
With their help
you can have post-mock interview sessions. They can help identify your
strengths and weaknesses and suggest solutions. The videos can be played back
so that you can see for yourself how you have performed.
Play it as many
times as you wish. You can see the quality of your performance, identify your
problems and try to avoid them in the next interviews. You can learn if your
listening was poor, if your response was adequate, if English was poor, if your
body language was appropriate—if you entered and sat properly, if your eye
contact was good, if you were taking too much time to respond, if before you
left you lifted the chair and put it down noiselessly, if you thanked them
before leaving, if you closed the door without noise, if you smiled at all, if
your facial expressions and use of hands went along with your oral response.
performing in the inerview
Your communicating behaviour starts the
moment you are called in. Knock gently, seek permission to enter, wait to be
called, enter, move towards the interviewers with a smile and depending on the
time of the interview, greet them, keep standing and be seated only when asked
to do so. If the chair is too close to the interviewers, don’t drag or pull it
backward but lift it and place it at a comfortable distance, seat yourself with
a straight back—not slumped nor with a stiff back like a soldier—that is, lean
your back lightly touching the chair’s back rest and cross your legs at the
ankles with the arms on the sides (don’t fold them) or holding your certificate
file in your lap. This posture will help you lean forward when necessary to
hand the certificates and use your arms for gestures to accompany your
speaking. If a drink is offered you may accept it with a ‘thank you’ or decline
it with a ‘no, thank you’. Sip through the drink without noise and spilling.
Wait for the interviewer(s) to address you.
The interview may begin with a few
questions about yourself to loosen you up, to reduce your tension, to put you
at ease. Answer them well. Listen to the questions fully and attentively,
understand them, form your answers in your mind, wait for a second or two and
then reply. If an interviewer makes a long statement listen carefully, nod your
head to indicate you are following what he/she is saying, break it into small
parts and get your answers ready. There is no harm in asking for the question
to be repeated; there is no shame in
this but don’t ask them to repeat very often. Keep your answers to the point,
be brief in your content, be clear in your language. If you don’t , if you don’t
have answers, tell them so—there is nothing wrong in this. Never feel shy and
give wrong answers. If you are asked to state your weaknesses, mention one that
is not a serious one and that will not harm your chances—that you take time to
open up or take some time to make decisions or to make friends.
Throughout the interview keep eye contact
with everyone present. When you respond to a question, look at the person as
you begin your response and then move your eyes to indicate your response is
addressed to them as well. Move only your eyes, not your head. Nod, smile. Your
every word, every movement, every response must reflect your confidence. Be
calm, cool, don’t get excited.
You will know when the interview is coming
to a close. They may say something like, ‘well, we’ll offer you…’ or Thank you,
we’ll intimate to you’, or ‘please meet mr /ms … on your way out’. Thank them,
collect your papers, put the chair back in its place, and leaving closing the
door gently behind.
Of course, you’ll not be expected to put to
use ALL expected skills. But your chances would be bright if you performed with
clarity and maturity in thought, positive in your attitude, brevity and
precision in your expressions, intelligence and boldness in your approach,
fluency/accuracy in language, confidence in your looks and tone.
In short, be an efficient listener and an effective speaker.