like to warn readers that this is not a counter claim to the article ‘Is
grammar everything? published in last week’s Hindu’s Open Page. But the piece
definitely triggered a few thoughts; I am thankful to Mr Sumit Paul.
my mind, grammar is the heartbeat of a language. And grammar is the offspring
of usage.
grammar has framed rules, yes, but they are no longer born of the whims and
fancies of an individual or a group of individuals (as it was for a long time
‘Latin-grammar-based’) . And it has never remained static; an example or two
will suffice. The emergence of ‘they’ as the pronoun for ‘everyone’ is born of
a usage that no longer accepts ‘he’, a male pronoun, as representing the common
noun that includes women (‘he / she’ was considered as a substitute but found
to be awkward when repeated more than once). The word ‘man’ is no longer used
as a representative expression; we now use ‘humans’ or ‘human beings’. The
choice of ‘Ms’ as a title to address a woman unless she is willing to be
addressed as a Miss or Mrs is another example to prove that grammar is not ridden
or laden with rigid rules. Passive voice structure with the ‘by +agent’ was
taught as a mere substitute structure in yesterday’s grammar but today’s tells
you the passive voice structure is a structure
in its own right conveying several implications. Thus grammar is not a
clutter of ‘dry bones’ but clothes the ‘bones’ with ‘flesh’ and ‘blood’.
illiterate native speaker of English may not need to know ‘subject’, ‘verb’, or
to identify a ‘gerund’ and an ‘infinitive’. But an educated one does need this
‘education’ to help their children with their lessons. More so in the case of
learners to whom English is not their own.
a few jargons is necessary to learn how words and sentences function in
communication, and learning them is as useful to non-native users as learning
scientific and technical jargon is to scientists and technologists. No one in
their senses will accept ‘he did not went home’ even if the speaker was
otherwise fluent. Fluency is definitely desirable but it doesn’t follow frequent occurrence of mistakes is acceptable.
Taking liberties with language use is definitely admissible on rare occasions. ‘In response Havelock shook his head, waved his hands dismissingly’ writes Arthur Hailey in The Evening News. ‘She had been working in a massive Washington law
firm as a labor lawyer, married Morton Traynor, also a labor lawyer, and
settled into dulldom’ writes
Leon Uris in his A God in Ruins. Poetic licence in prose should be admissible as a
tool for brevity and precision in expression.
To term ‘infinitive’ after ‘to’ as
the ‘usual and regular’ or ‘much more reasonable’ is a wrong assumption for
there are very many verbs and ‘be + adjective + to’s that take a second verb in
‘-ing’ form as a verbal noun [‘gerund’ is the traditional term]. To say English
grammar lacks clarity is a mistaken impression because as I said earlier
grammar describes how people use their language. Grammar is no longer ‘prescriptive’
but ‘descriptive’.
indicates learner growth and accuracy, ‘educated’ness.